Malediction (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Meridian Inept 0 % Straddle the line betwixt Life and Death.
Maledict Novice 0 % Assail someone with a crude, painful curse.
Numb Apprentice 0 % Steal the heat from their heart with a numbing curse.
Nightsight Apprentice 50 % See through the dark of night.
Stalk Capable 0 % Call upon the blessing of the Broodmother.
Imperil Capable 50 % No mortal can resist the fury of the wilds.
Enervate Adept 0 % Drain their vitality with your curse.
Myconid Adept 33 % Form an assimilative being from your ill will.
Jinx Adept 66 % A far-reaching hex of bad luck and dread.
Spiritpact Skilled 0 % Pledge yourself in exchange for aid.
Despair Skilled 33 % A baleful, maddening hex.
Revile Skilled 66 % Enemies of the natural world are to be reviled.
Obeisance Gifted 0 % The Guardians must be sated.
Implement Gifted 33 % A ceremonial focus for greater malediction.
Rancour Gifted 66 % Call upon the ill will of the wilds.
Renewal Expert 0 % The bounty of the natural world sustains you.
Mystify Expert 33 % Distract the uninitiated with a complex hex.
Imitate Expert 66 % Compel your myconid to change shape.
Preymark Virtuoso 0 % Mark them as the prey they are.
Malady Virtuoso 33 % A terrible, feverish curse.
Preserve Virtuoso 66 % The Warden will shelter you.
Woe Fabled 0 % Call catastrophe down upon your prey.
Assuage Fabled 33 % Nourish your myconid with the fallen.
Vilipend Fabled 66 % Bring down dark visitations upon your foe.
Nourish Mythical 0 % A mighty offering to the Guardians.
Anathemise Mythical 33 % Let the weak ever be prey.
Spite Mythical 66 % Swear vengeance upon your enemies.
Mortis Transcendent 0 % All things must die.

Meridian Straddle the line betwixt Life and Death
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: A Runecarver treads the brink between Life and Death, utilising the stray energy left

behind in this fundamental Cycle to empower their acts of ritual magic.

Once you have embraced your awareness of its delicate forces, you will be able to make repeated use of hexes. There is no cost to keeping it active and you may divest yourself of your awareness of mortality's delicate inner workings at any time.

Note: {{{note}}}

Maledict Assail someone with a crude, painful curse
Syntax: HEX MALEDICT <target> HEX MALEDICT ICEWALL [<direction>]
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Craft a minor curse from your rancor and ill will to strike your foe. The force of this

curse can also melt an icewall obstructing a path.

Note: {{{note}}}

Numb Steal the heat from their heart with a numbing curse
Syntax: HEX NUMB <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Cast a minor hex of numbing cold, chilling your target one stage.

If you form a pact with the spirits, this ability will freeze them for two levels if they weren't shivering to begin with.

Note: {{{note}}}

Nightsight See through the dark of night
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: See easily through the shadows that surround you.
Note: {{{note}}}

Stalk Call upon the blessing of the Broodmother
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call upon Kree-sa, the Broodmother to mask your movements. Whenever you attempt to move

through a room covered in darkness, your movement will be completely concealed. Lifevision may spot this attempt, but heatvision cannot.

Note: {{{note}}}

Imperil No mortal can resist the fury of the wilds
Syntax: HEX IMPERIL <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Slice through any magical shield surrounding your target with this curse of vulnerability

and peril.

If you form a pact with the spirits, there is no equilibrium cost for this ability if it is successful. Should you fail, you will still be held to the terms of your pact as well as pay the equilibrium cost.

Note: {{{note}}}

Enervate Drain their vitality with your curse
Syntax: HEX ENERVATE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: The curse of enervation smothers the vitality of your foe, consuming their good health

and physical form alike. When enervating your opponent, first you will cause clumsiness. If already clumsy, you will cause weariness. If already weary and clumsy, they will be struck with lethargy. In all cases, the enervation will cause moderate magical damage.

If all three afflictions are present, you will steal away their focus balance and cause paresis.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your curse will cause two afflictions in order instead of one. If paresis is delivered in this way, no focus knock will be applied.

Note: {{{note}}}

Myconid Form an assimilative being from your ill will
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Summon a myconid, a strange fungal monstrosity native to Albedos. This creature can be

ordered to attack your enemies, and will periodically cause cold damage and one level of freezing to your target.

If your victim is fully frozen when the myconid strikes, they will be stunned and afflicted with nyctophobia.

Please see HELP LOYALTY for the commands you can order it to do.

Note: {{{note}}}

Jinx A far-reaching hex of bad luck and dread
Syntax: HEX JINX <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Maledictive curses are capable of instilling illnesses of the body and mind, causing both

to waste away beneath your wrath. When jinxed, your victim will suffer immediately from one of the following afflictions that they don't already have: dizziness, nyctophobia, confusion, dementia.

If all four afflictions are present on the target, they will instead be struck with a significant mana drain and faintness.

If you form a pact with the spirits, the jinx will relapse once more five seconds later. If your intended victim leaves the room in this time, however, you will be jinxed instead to keep balance between the forces you control.

Note: {{{note}}}

Spiritpact Pledge yourself in exchange for aid
Syntax: SPIRITPACT <spell> <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Spiritpact is used as a replacement for the normal HEX command. e.g. SPIRITPACT ENERVATE


Empower your curses by forming pacts with the Dia'ruian Guardians. With every successive cast of spiritpact to empower a curse, the risks and rewards increase. For now, you may call upon their aid twice, and not again until the previous pacts are fulfilled.

Your pacts are slowly fulfilled over time, and will cost a small portion of your health when it occurs. The more afflictions you have, the more the health it will be.

Possessing the weariness affliction will make it impossible to forge a spiritpact.

Note: {{{note}}}

Despair A baleful, maddening hex
Syntax: HEX DESPAIR <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Hex your victim with an ominous curse of despair, giving them a chance to become burdened

with phobias any time they focus. If standing in darkness, nyctophobia is always the first phobia to appear. The phobias this can afflict with are nyctophobia, agoraphobia, loneliness, vertigo, claustrophobia and fear of commitment.

Despair can be cured by applying epidermal to one's head, but only if unblind. When used to cure the curse, epidermal incurs a short time before the affliction resolves, and becoming blind while this occurs will cause it to instead cure blindness once more. If your victim is already suffering a despairing hex, any further attempts on them will be ineffective.

If you form a pact with the spirits, this may be performed free of any equilibrium cost.

Note: {{{note}}}

Revile Enemies of the natural world are to be reviled
Syntax: HEX REVILE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Send a malignant curse of rot to infiltrate your victim, feeding on the hexes you call

down upon them. At first, the rot is benign, and has no meaningful effect. However, the rot will grow over time, and its effects too will increase. The rot may grow four times after the first stage.

1) No effect. 2) Their spirit gradually atrophies, causing escalating shadow damage. 3) Their body ceases to generate warmth - preventing random curing of shivering. 4) Their flesh withers under the rot, periodically causing hopelessness. 5) Their body falters - the recovery time from poultices is doubled.

This curse may be cured by consuming panacea. If standing outside of the presence of a morass, two stacks will be cured instead of one.

If you form a pact with the spirits, you will deliver two stacks of the curse immediately.

Note: {{{note}}}

Obeisance The Guardians must be sated
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Fulfil your pact with an offering of flesh and blood, costing you a moderate amount of

health and releasing you from one of your pacts. If used in succession, the repayment becomes much more dangerous and will cost equilibrium.

Whenever you slay an adventurer, one of your pacts will be considered fulfilled.

Note: {{{note}}}

Implement A ceremonial focus for greater malediction
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Extract a spore from the compost heap in Duiran that will serve to heighten the powers of

your cursecraft. The spore must be used to anoint either a staff, a shortsword, or a crozier.

Should you be wielding an anointed object, you will be able to channel your primal magic with greater ease. Your spells will no longer require both hands, only a single hand. Additionally, parrying an attack will charge your implement with magical force, restoring a portion of your mana instantly.

Note: {{{note}}}

Rancour Call upon the ill will of the wilds
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: The art of Malediction does not cleave to the traditional rigidity of structured

spellcasting schools such as Elemancy or Sciomancy and thus allows for improvisation and additional reagents to supplement its power. By channeling raw spite and rancour, you can gather inimical spirits to aid each strike, render your curses nigh irresistable by changing their damage type to spirit. This will cause your attacks to do less overall damage and comes at a slight willpower drain.

Note: {{{note}}}

Renewal The bounty of the natural world sustains you
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call upon the force of Renewal to draw two random maladies from your body. Should you be

suffering from paralysis or paresis, Renewal will always cure that first, and only that.

If you form a pact with the spirits, you can append an affliction name to the syntax to specify one of the afflictions that should be cured. This will only work on afflictions that Renewal can normally cure.

Note: {{{note}}}

Mystify Distract the uninitiated with a complex hex
Syntax: HEX MYSTIFY <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: If your target is not blind, you can mystify them with a terrible curse that distracts

them with visions of the void.

So long as the curse remains uncured, they will quickly receive the following afflictions in order: weariness, clumsiness, vomiting, dementia.

If all four afflictions are present when the voidgaze ticks, your victim will become trapped in the void, knock them to the ground, interrupt any tumbling attempts, and they will be unable to stand for a period of time.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your mystify will strip blindness when applied.

Note: {{{note}}}

Imitate Compel your myconid to change shape
Syntax: HEX IMITATE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Order your myconid to change its form into a fungal representation of your chosen target.

Should the myconid take any damage or attempt to attack someone, this effect will become undone. Can only be done on targets in the room.

Note: {{{note}}}

Preymark Mark them as the prey they are
Syntax: HEX PREYMARK <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Mark your foe as prey, causing elixirs to lose some of their potency, reducing the amount

healed to health or mana this way by 20%. The strength of the curse's mark is dependent on how low your victim's mana is - the preymark will never last for fewer than two sips, and no more than five.

There is a short channel associated with performing this ability.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your preymark is applied instantly, and for slightly less equilibrium.

Note: {{{note}}}

Malady A terrible, feverish curse
Syntax: HEX MALADY <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against: Both players and NPCs
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Curse your foe with wasting maladies, causing vomiting and haemophilia. If they have the

dementia affliction, then the malady will drive them mad, curing it and causing hallucinations in its place.

If you form a pact with the spirits, this ability is much quicker to use.

Note: {{{note}}}

Preserve The Warden will shelter you
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Surround yourself in a protective aura, reducing your damage taken from the elements, and

significantly reducing your damage taken from shadow.

Those preserved by the Warden can forge four pacts at once.

Note: {{{note}}}

Woe Call catastrophe down upon your prey
Syntax: HEX WOE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Call down woe and tribulation upon your foe, subjecting them to the hardships of hunted

prey. While suffering this curse, afflictions delivered from Jinx will be masked, and rot cannot be cured. The more afflictions plaguing your foe, the longer the woeful curse will persist. A victim who fears the darkness will suffer even longer still.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your woeful hex also delivers nyctophobia, and for slightly less equilibrium.

Note: {{{note}}}

Assuage Nourish your myconid with the fallen
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Your myconid hungers for the fallen, as befits the Cycle. Should anything die in the same

location as your myconid while it is with you, the fungal creature will immediately devour the corpse and restore some willpower to you. An adventurer's corpse will restore a lot more willpower than a denizen's.

There is a small cooldown on this effect occuring, with the length of time dependant on the type of corpse.

Cooldown (denizen): 5 seconds Cooldown (adventurer): 15 seconds

Note: {{{note}}}

Vilipend Bring down dark visitations upon your foe
Syntax: HEX VILIPEND <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Manifest your rancor and disdain as a biting curse that periodically saps your foe's mana.

The degrading hex will persist for a short time, but will vanish if your victim leaves your sight.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your curse will persist indefinitely in your presence.

Note: {{{note}}}

Nourish A mighty offering to the Guardians
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Cooldown: 20 minutes
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: In exchange for a significant portion of your physical and mental energy, you may beseech

the Guardians to release you from all of your spiritpacts. Be warned that they will not suffer such requests with any great frequency.

Note: {{{note}}}

Anathemise Let the weak ever be prey
Syntax: HEX ANATHEMISE <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Should your victim be afflicted with maladies caused by hexes, you can leverage their

weakness to secure victory over them. This hex does nothing on its own, but can have any or all of the following effects depending on what they are afflicted by:

Haemophilia: Causes significant bleeding. Nyctophobia: Causes significant health and mana damage. Dizziness: Causes dementia. Weariness: Causes exhaustion.

If you form a pact with the spirits, one of these missing conditional afflictions will be applied at random before the curse completes.

Note: {{{note}}}

Spite Swear vengeance upon your enemies
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: This ability will call upon the spirits to recognise an oath of spite. Then, when you

deal damage and are standing in the location you last died within, your damage will be boosted by fulfillment of your word.

Note: {{{note}}}

Mortis All things must die
Syntax: HEX MORTIS <target>
Channels: {{{channels}}}
Shapes: {{{shapes}}}
Transitions: {{{transitions}}}
Attacks: {{{attacks}}}
Works against:
Attune Effect: {{{attune}}}
Symbol: {{{symbol}}}
Details: Drawing upon your mastered link to the forces of Life and Death, you may call forth a

killing curse that will annihilate your foe where they stand. Your victim must be prone and suffering from a fear of darkness to begin, and such a feat requires complete concentration. Should your attempt be successful, your victim will be utterly obliterated, and any spiritual pacts you have formed will be immediately forgiven.

If you form a pact with the spirits, your attempt will be quickened slightly, and more importantly, no force may disrupt it other than your opponent leaving your presence. If this attempt fails, however, your own body will be consumed to fulfill the terms of your pact.

Note: {{{note}}}