Ancestry (skill)
Skill | Rank | Percent | Description |
Mark | Inept | 0 % | Your connection to the ancestors. |
Deathsight | Inept | 0 % | Attune yourself to fallen souls. |
Renown | Inept | 0 % | See how high your renown stands. |
Trial | Inept | 0 % | Engage the ancestors in battle to improve your renown. |
Inherit | Inept | 0 % | The ancestors will grant you their weapon. |
Manifest | Inept | 0 % | Manifest an ancestor. |
Distort | Novice | 33 % | Bid your ancestor to distort your aura. |
Cacophony | Novice | 66 % | Allow your foes to hear the thunderous warcries of your
ancestors. |
Overrun | Apprentice | 0 % | Overrun your foes with an assault from your ancestors. |
Victory | Apprentice | 33 % | Victory in battle will improve your renown. |
Discern | Apprentice | 66 % | Discern the presence of another. |
Spur | Capable | 0 % | Rally your ancestors, spurring them to attack. |
Intercept | Capable | 25 % | Call upon your ancestors to intercept attacks. |
Diminish | Capable | 50 % | Diminish the efficacy of your opponent's weapon. |
Anoint | Capable | 75 % | Anoint your weapon with the chill of death. |
Harrow | Adept | 0 % | A harrowing sight will leave them defenseless. |
Safeguard | Adept | 25 % | The ancestors will bless you with protection. |
Spear | Adept | 50 % | Manifest an ancestor that will spear your target's limbs. |
Seance | Skilled | 0 % | Your ancestors will whisper to you of souls you cannot see. |
Clarity | Skilled | 50 % | Beseech your ancestors for the clarity to discern impulses
not your own. |
Suffuse | Gifted | 0 % | Your ancestors will suffuse your weary body or mind. |
Affirm | Gifted | 25 % | Affirm the presence of those around you. |
Guidance | Gifted | 50 % | Your ancestors will bless you with guided strikes. |
Expel | Expert | 0 % | Expel their soul, displacing it around their body. |
Offering | Expert | 25 % | Present an offering to entice an ancestor's assistance. |
Ward | Expert | 75 % | Your ancestors will bless you with protection from magical
assault. |
Invocation | Virtuoso | 25 % | Invoke your ancestors to split the power of their
blessings. |
Bolster | Virtuoso | 50 % | Your renown will bolster your constitution. |
Alertness | Virtuoso | 75 % | Remain aware of those that would move nearby. |
Annul | Fabled | 25 % | Annul a physical affliction from your body. |
Carve | Fabled | 50 % | Your ancestors will carve through your opponent's defenses. |
Rouse | Mythical | 0 % | Rouse their soul, drawing it back to reinhabit their body. |
Ancestor Abilities
Skill | Rank | Percent | Description |
Apprise | Inept | 0 % | Apprise the displacement of their soul. |
Displacement | Novice | 0 % | Your strikes will displace their souls. |
Inhibit | Adept | 75 % | Inhibit your opponent from calling a magical shield. |
Ambush | Skilled | 25 % | Ambush your opponents with ancestral assistance. |
Portent | Skilled | 75 % | Bestow upon them a portent to render curatives less
effective. |
Engorge | Gifted | 75 % | Levy a curse to fill their veins to capacity. |
Debilitate | Expert | 50 % | Capitalize upon their weakening state to debilitate their
limbs. |
Fissure | Fabled | 25 % | Create an opening from which their soul will escape. |
Haunt | Fabled | 75 % | Your ancestors will call a soul to haunt an area, binding it
there. |
Elude | Mythical | 25 % | Their displaced soul will allow you to elude their defenses. |
Attune | Mythical | 75 % | Your ancestors will attune a strike with one of your own. |
Sacrifice | Transcendent | 0 % | End someone's life as a sacrifice to the ancestors. |