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{{SkillTableRow |Purgatory |Transcendent |0 |Draw aggressors into the halls of Purgatory. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Purgatory |Transcendent |0 |Draw aggressors into the halls of Purgatory. }}
|skill = Focalmark
|description = Generate flames with your overflowing spirit
|detail = This powerful branding will grant you focus for your spiritial energy, forming at your
hands and feet. It is through these marks that you can then enact feats of will, such as conjuring
flames or amplifying the spirit. Without it, you will be unable to enact your purifying strikes.
This defence will also provide a measure of resistance against fire damage for as long as it is
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ignition
|description = Burn an object into ash
|syntax = ENACT IGNITION <item>
|detail = Burn an item in your inventory with your flames, turning it into little more then ash.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Scorch
|description = Scorch your enemies with your heat
|syntax = ENACT SCORCH <target>
|detail = Thrust your fist forward to release a stream of flames that will scorch your opponent,
setting them ablaze and dealing a small amount of fire damage. It will pass through any protective
barriers they might have.
This ability cannot be used off-balance in tandem with Zenith against denizens.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Purify
|description = Purify a liquid substance into clean water
|syntax = ENACT PURIFICATION <liquid>
|detail = Perform a basic act of purification and turn a liquid into crystal clear water.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Turning
|description = Turn the forces of undeath
|syntax = ENACT TURNING <target>
|detail = Turn back undead and send them to the grave. If they are simple creatures of the night
then this ability will outright destroy them, otherwise it will inflict terror within them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Intensity
|description = Learn how intense the flames are
|syntax = ENACT INTENSITY <target>
|detail = Inspect the intensity of flames upon someone in your location, although you will need to
be quick as someone on fire tends not to last long!
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Cauterize
|description = Burn a bleeding wound shut
|syntax = ENACT CAUTERIZE [target]
|detail = With quick action, you can cauterize a wound upon your body, reducing the bleeding you
might be suffering from. You may additionally choose to use this upon another within the same
location as you.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Hearth
|description = Turn the earth into a hearth of molten fire
|syntax = ENACT HEARTH
|detail = Deliver a burst of heat into the ground below your feet, burning those who would attempt
to hide in the dirt below and forcing them to surface if capable.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Cinderkin
|description = Bring forth life to cinder
|detail = Summon forth a cinderkin, which can attack and deal fire damage to your opponent. You
must have a piece of coal in your inventory in order to do this.
You can view HELP LOYALTY for more information on how to command it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Suncloak
|description = Cloak yourself in an obscuring light
|detail = This dim cloak made from light will prevent others from looking directly at you, leaving
them unable to discern your features or the things you wear.
The Hypersight skill will allow you to see past it. Please see AB VISION HYPERSIGHT for more
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Cascade
|description = Healing energy that will soothe wounds
|syntax = ENACT CASCADE <target>
|detail = Release a beam of spirit energy that will slowly bounce between allies in the same
location, healing them for a small amount of health. The last person struck is healed of an
affliction as well. It can only bounce up to five times, at which point it will dissipate.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Tempering
|description = Convert your body to a state of resilience
|detail = Enact the purification of the body by removing impurity and tempering it against physical
attack. This will increase your resistance against cutting and blunt damage.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Firefist
|description = Ignite your hands with malicious flames
|detail = For a short period, you can set your fists alight, allowing fist-based attacks to set
your opponent ablaze. It will last for a limited amount of time and can be activated without cost
to your equilibrium or balance.
Firefist will work with the following abilities:
Pummel, Palmforce, Clawtwist, Direblow, and Fisticuffs (Punch).
Cooldown: 80 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Rejection
|description = Reject those who utilise weapons
|detail = Only those who utilise solely their body and mind may strike you. This ability will form
an aura of rebounding around you instantly, deflecting weapon attacks directed at you until
destroyed or you make an agressive action.
A pending aura of rebounding from smoking a pipe will be cancelled if this ability is used
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Quicken
|description = Quicken the flames around an opponent
|syntax = ENACT QUICKEN <target>
|detail = Quicken the temperature of fire upon another, increasing its intensity by three levels.
You can check AFFLICT ABLAZE for more information on flame intensity.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Etching
|description = Engrave runic etchings upon your chain
|syntax = ENACT ETCHING <chain>
|detail = Requires a silver chain.
Cleanse your chains and bless it with runic etchings that will protect you from harm. These
etchings will allow you some resistance against non-physical damage while the chain is worn.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Pendulum
|description = Shift the spirit to alter the physical
|syntax = ENACT PENDULUM <target> [REVERSE]
|detail = Twist their spirit and shift their bodypart trauma and related limb afflictions in a
clockwise direction. This ability only affects the arms and legs.
For example, it will move a broken left arm to the right arm, and a broken right arm to the right
leg. You may choose to do this anti-clockwise by using the reverse keyword.
Cooldown: 20 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Deflection
|description = Deflect incoming projectiles
|detail = Call upon your spiritual might and grant yourself a chance to deflect incoming arrows,
causing them to drop to the ground. There is another chance you will deflect them entirely,
returning the arrow from whence it came.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Heatspear
|description = A blow that will hinder the removal of flames
|syntax = ENACT HEATSPEAR <target>
|detail = Strike a burning opponent, forcing the flames through their body in an impressive jet of
holy fire. This will heat the flames into such a state that the ablaze affliction cannot be cured
until the heatspear is.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Discharge
|description = Remove the wounds of your body
|detail = This ability stores up damage done to you, and then when a certain threshold has been
passed, it will activate and release healing energy that will restore some of your wounds.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Infernal
|description = Brand your opponent with the Seal of the Infernal
|syntax = ENACT INFERNAL <target>
|detail = Once you have broken the torso of your opponent, you can place the Seal of the Infernal
upon them which will ocassionally burst into flames and set them on fire.
If you should fully damage and break any body part of your opponent while they are under the
effects of the Seal, then a deadly shroud of flame will begin to form around them. When they move
between locations the shroud will flare up and burn them, setting them ablaze and dealing fire
damage. Additionally, if they try to form a magical shield, then the fiery shroud around them will
burn it down and remove it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Zenith
|description = Draw in heat and obtain your zenith
|syntax = ENACT ZENITH
|detail = Begin to store heat within your body, which will slowly build until it reaches a tipping
point. Once this point is reached, certain abilities will no longer require balance for a limited
amount of time.
This state can be reached sooner by moving between locations, as long as it isn't the direction you
just came from and you do not have more than one curable affliction.
Once you have reached your zenith, the following abilities will no longer require balance:
Focalmark, Scorch, Cauterize, Heatspear, Infernal, Quicken, and Pyromania.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Exudation
|description = Remove afflictions from another
|syntax = ENACT EXUDATION <target>
|detail = Remove a random affliction from the spirit of another. This affliction will then take
physical form in the shape of an orb. You can then THROW the orb at someone to inflict another with
the affliction you just removed, which will be masked in the process.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Immolation
|description = The righteous flames will purge heathens
|syntax = ENACT IMMOLATION <target>
|detail = Unleash a devastating blaze of holy flame upon your opponent, stirring the existing
flames around them into a swathe of crackling flame that will completely incinerate them leave
behind ash. In order for this to succeed, the target must be ablaze and possess at least twelve
stacks of intensity.
You can check AFFLICT ABLAZE for more information on flame intensity.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Dwindle
|description = Cause the spirit to dwindle into low depths
|detail = Place a powerful effect over your location, draining the spirit of any who enter it and
lowering their max health, mana, and limb health by half. Although powerful, this effect can be
broken by speaking the word 'Esondae' out loud.
This ability does not alter your current health and mana, only the maximum values.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Pyromania
|description = Eruptions of volcanic dancing flames
|detail = Stomp your foot into the ground and cause eruptions of volcanic flames to jet up from the
ground. These eruptions will strike enemies within your location periodically, dealing fire damage,
and the effect will follow you as you move.
If one of their legs are crippled, then the heated air ejected from the ground will unbalance and
knock them over. If they are shielded, then it will destroy the shield under the heat.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Gauntlet
|description = Issue an unyielding challenge
|syntax = ENACT GAUNTLET <target>
|detail = This powerful ability will bind your two spirits together in an unyielding dance of death.
Neither may escape until the other is dead. In order for this effect to become binding, the
challenged must AGREE to the terms, otherwise little will come of it.
Both parties must have near full health in order to enact and agree to the terms.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Symbiosis
|description = Grant another symbiosis with one of the Duamvi
|syntax = ENACT SYMBIOSIS <target>
|detail = Through steadfast zeal, you may help hone the mind, body, and soul of a living mortal,
scourging sin and shadow amidst the Grand Flame until they serve as a living conduit of Spirit. At
the completion of this process, this individual shall become vessel to an entity of Spirit, a dual-
natured being known as a duamvi. The Spirit-symbiote shall maintain the flow of Spirit, preventing
it from overwhelming and destroying the newly-made duamvi.
The process of symbiosis must be performed before and within the Grand Flame - no lesser vahait
shall do.
This skill requires you to be a part of the Illuminai guild, or to be sanctioned by the guild, in
order to successfully use.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Purgatory
|description = Draw aggressors into the halls of Purgatory
|detail = This powerful ability allows you to open a gateway to a realm betwixt Prime and Spirit,
imprisoning those that would strike others in its location.
First you must begin the ability by enacting it, which will require you to call out to the beings
of the beyond. During this time you may not make any actions or your focus will be lost. Once
complete, all those within your location that have committed an act of violence within the last
minute will be drawn into the Halls of Purgatory where they will be trapped. Although strong
against spirits, the prison cannot hold living mortals forever, and can eventually be escaped from.
Keep in mind that opening a gateway to Purgatory is an aggressive action in and of itself, and will
draw you into its barren landscape with the others.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
