Elemancy (skill)

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Skill Rank Percent Description
Channel Inept 0 % Open conduits to the Elemental Realms.
Focus Gifted 0 % Create a magical focus for easier spellcasting.
Simultaneity Virtuoso 50 % Parallel channeling.

Fire Spells

Skill Rank Percent Description
Spark Novice 0 % Render them scorched with a snap of your fingers.
Evaporate Capable 0 % Remove traces of water from your location.
Fireburst Adept 0 % Send a burst of fiery projectiles at your foe.
Ashenfeet Skilled 0 % A gout of flame will cripple their legs.
Blazewhirl Gifted 25 % A blazing tornado of fire.
Conflagrate Expert 0 % Bolster the flames upon their body.
Cinder Expert 75 % Obscure scents in smoky cinder.
Afterburn Virtuoso 75 % Burn them with lingering, smoldering embers.
Sunspot Fabled 40 % Engulf foes with a radiant burst of light.
Pyroclast Mythical 0 % Apply directly to the face.
Disintegrate Mythical 60 % Release a fiery beam of destruction.

Water Spells

Skill Rank Percent Description
Coldsnap Apprentice 0 % A chilling burst to deaden the mind.
Fog Capable 33 % Conjure up an obscuring fog.
Iceray Adept 33 % Cast forth a ray of extreme cold.
Drench Skilled 33 % Release a spray of freezing cold water.
Glazeflow Gifted 50 % Create a powerful flow of ice.
Direfrost Expert 25 % A creeping, perpetual chill.
Flood Virtuoso 0 % Cover your surroundings with water.
Icicle Fabled 0 % Pierce their body with frigid spikes.
Shatter Fabled 60 % Shatter your icicles into smaller projectiles.
Crystalise Mythical 20 % Encase them in an ice crystal.
Winterheart Mythical 80 % Tendrils of winter will sap their strength.

Air Spells

Skill Rank Percent Description
Windlance Apprentice 33 % Send a spear of air to pierce their shields.
Gust Capable 66 % Knock your target from your location.
Arcbolt Adept 66 % Shock your victim with a burst of electricity.
Pressurize Skilled 66 % A sudden shift in local air pressure.
Electrosphere Gifted 75 % Make egress an impossibility.
Thunderclap Expert 50 % Crush them with the roar of the storm.
Cyclone Virtuoso 25 % Pull them from the skies.
Feedback Fabled 20 % A crack of static feedback.
Capacitance Fabled 80 % Capture electricity and turn it into a weapon.
Aeroblast Mythical 40 % Release a dual burst of violent wind, tossing them


Stormwrath Transcendent 0 % Form a monsterous storm of falling lightning.