Racial Roleplay

Revision as of 17:33, 12 July 2017 by Gunnald (talk | contribs)



Atavians have a diverse range of roleplay choices, with players able to highlight their racial feature of wings and flight in many ways, such as through emotes emphasizing the movement of their wings, or through stories about their love of flying. Atavians are amalgamated very heavily into modern Aetolian society, opening the door to virtually any backstory you may desire, although some players enjoy emphasizing their connection to the race's home in Aerie.


Like all races, dwarves come in a range of personality types, with each character having their own unique quirks and interests. If you choose to play a dwarf, you have some heavy racial features to draw on to help you when crafting your character's roleplay: dwarves have a reputation for loving alcohol, being keen on forging and other types of crafts, and the race also has a strong connection to the earth and rocky parts of the land. You can highlight these traits to create a character who is naturally drawn by his love of forging to the Templar class, or one who follows his taste for fine ales up to Spinesreach, or even one who embraces the earth fully by learning the ways of the Teradrim. A dwarf can be a good choice for a comical character, due to their short height and tendencies for booze, or they can be an excellent option for a stoic, stalwart character who is adamant in their beliefs.


The grecht race is rich with roleplay potential, with an entire plateau claimed as their racial home. A range of backstories and character types can be pinned to these origins - from warriors to priests to rebels to hunters, nearly all character concepts can fit well with the grecht race. The physical details, such as the ability to soar, open the door to fun physical roleplay ideas and give players lots of ambient emote potential.


Grooks are typically known as the more reclusive, scholarly of Aetolian races, with weaker physical forms and a cultural emphasis on knowledge, learning, mysticism and magic. Their homeland, Ulangi, is home to the famous sage Oorangu, who oversees meditations and studies in a quiet village in the depths of the island's swamps. A typical grook would be an ideal match for a guild focused on the more arcane arts, such as the scholarly Ascendril or Sciomancer mages, or the science-driven Archivists, although some grook also feel that the serenity of the Sentaari monks resonates with them, while some find that they are a semi-rebellious "frog out of water" in their homeland and are drawn, instead, to the more physical arts, though this tends to be rare among the race.