Creating a Character

Revision as of 04:28, 20 April 2010 by Seurimas (talk | contribs) (I think this works better.)

Your name

HELP Scroll - 4.1 Names
In the realm of Aetolia, we encourage you to put some thought into your
name, and avoid the embarrassment that comes later when your peers have
a good giggle at your expense. We realize sometimes it's hard to think
of a good name, so we have written the following as a simple guide!

Good Names
 - Good names are those that you've created on your own. Unique
   names that you've never seen before anywhere else.

Acceptable Names
 - Acceptable names are those that you may have heard in real
   life. Names such as Susan, Henry and so on.

Unacceptable Names
 - Those names that we ask you to avoid are ones you may find in
   any historical context, or ones you will find in a book or
   anime. Other unacceptable names are those that are made of
   compound words, such as 'Evilbloodsucker'.

 - In addition, names that are cursewords, racial slurs or
   otherwise offensive names. Names that are completely
   unpronounceable such as 'Xqtzrl' will also result in you being
   requested to change your name.

Whilst we realize that sometimes poor names will get through, this is
not an acceptable reason for refusing to change your name. If you are
asked to by a guide, Celani or Divine, it is expected that you will do

Choosing an imaginative and acceptable name will greatly increase your
experiences within the realm, and you will find your peers will have
much more time for you.

If, after reading this, you wish to change your name, HELP NAMECHANGE
will explain the way in which to do it.

Your Race

Races are crucial to consider for a good Roleplay experience in Aetolia, in addition to providing a handful of combat bonuses. Bare in mind that you are free to Reincarnate frequently as a true novice (Levels 1 to 10) so you can learn more before making this decision with finality. Additionally, all players get 1 free reincarnate after level 10 and more reincarnations can be purchased as artifacts.

Unlike other Iron Realms Entertainment games, race does not dictate stats.

Your statpack

Stats are more important for combat than Roleplay; it's never bad practice to play your statpack (Intelligent Atavians should be well-educated while Resilient could be rather dim) but not required.

Tutorial Island

Dubbed Slaver's Isle, this is where all novices usually should start off. It will gift participants some minor curatives, gold, and a clothing. Also, you can freely choose a city and guild from the tutorial while doing so outside of it may be a slightly more arduous task.

Your Guild/House

Guilds are where you get your Class, the three Skillsets which contain combat, utility and flavor skills of all sorts. Additionally, many guilds may grow to be like a second family, so this choice is important to your enjoyment of the game as a whole. Again, there is a lot of room to change as you're starting out. Changing guilds, even from one side of the Living/Undead conflict, is generally acceptable early on. Later, there will be lesson loss from dropping class, as much as 50% of class-skill lessons after gaining class.

Houses are similar, but all cater to non-Bloodborn vampires primarily. Non-vampire members in houses is uncommon in respectable houses. Bloodborn vampires are a guild, but are frequently members of houses as well.

Your City

There are several cities in Aetolia. Each have distinct themes, tenets, values, goals, and, of course, members.

When choosing a city as a novice, it's best to choose the city your guild is attached to. If you aren't sure, you can ask your guild by typing

GNT Which city should I join?

This message is something everyone online in your guild will see. Someone will hopefully answer. If no one does, then any of the cities you are able to choose will suffice.

However, here's a little table that will give you the listing for the Dark side of the game:

 All vampire houses