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Zepedic  - Delphinium/Prefarar  - Peace
Zepedic  - Delphinium/Prefarar  - Peace
|skillname = Slash
|syntax = DHURIV SLASH <target>
|description = Running your blade along the exposed flesh of the opponent you can cause massive damage. The attack will position you for a follow-up attack with the other blade.
|skillname = Crosscut
|syntax = DHURIV CROSSCUT <target>
|description = This is a very swift attack that will allow you to position yourself for a follow-up strike with the other blade.
|skillname = Blind
|syntax = DHURIV BLIND <target>
|description = With a very precise cut above your opponent's eyes, you can blind them temporarily. After blinding you can easily position yourself for a follow-up attack.
|skillname = Twirl
|syntax = DHURIV TWIRL <target>
|description = When moving your dhurive in a specific pattern, learned after hours of practice, your opponent will become very confused. Your movements also make it possible to strike with a follow-up attack.
|skillname = Strike
|syntax = DHURIV STRIKE <target>
|description = This attack aims to cause as much damage as possible while you maintain balance enough for a follow-up attack.
|skillname = Splice
|syntax = DHURIV SPLICE <target>
|description = This attack will allow you to strip the defenses of your foe.
This will first attempt to strip any magical shields possessed by your target, followed by rebounding auras. It will then strip them at random.
|skillname = Trip
|syntax = DHURIV TRIP <target>
|description = Tangling your weapon between your opponent's legs is a sure way to make him prone, as well as make a few cuts.
|skillname = Ambush
|syntax = DHURIV AMBUSH <target>
|description = This ability allows you to attack your opponent from an adjacent location and follow up with a second attack.
|skillname = Stab
|syntax = DHURIV STAB <target>
|description = Only after an initial attack can you manage this quick stab at your opponent.
|skillname = Slice
|syntax = DHURIV SLICE <target>
|description = Positioning yourself properly with an initial attack, you can smoothly direct your other blade towards your opponent and cause massive bleeding.
|skillname = Thrust
|syntax = DHURIV THRUST <target>
|description = With this follow-up skill you know how to use your dual blade well enough to cause plenty of damage.
|skillname = Disarm
|syntax = DHURIV DISARM <target>
|description = Using sharp blows to and a lot of precision, you are able to pry your opponent's weapon from his hands. You need to position yourself properly with an initial attack to be able to use this attack.
|skillname = Drive
|syntax = DHURIV DRIVE <target>
|description = This follow-up attack targets the opponent's chest.
|skillname = Slit
|syntax = DHURIV SLIT <target>
|description = This very precise follow-up attack will damage your opponent's throat, making it impossible for him to breathe or speak.
|skillname = Throatcrush
|syntax = DHURIV THROATCRUSH <target>
|description = By forcefully whacking the wooden staff against your opponent's throat you can efficiently remove his ability to swallow properly. Prior to using this skill, you need to position yourself with an initial attack.
|skillname = Floorsweep
|syntax = FLOORSWEEP <target>
|description = If you are on the ground you can sweep your opponent off his feet while regaining your own footing.
|skillname = Pierce
|syntax = DHURIV PIERCE <target> LEFT/RIGHT
|description = With this follow-up attack you are able to target one of your opponent's legs. The damage is cumulative and will eventually cause the leg to break.
|skillname = Sever
|syntax = DHURIV SEVER <target> LEFT/RIGHT
|description = This skill can be used to target arms and crippling them. The more you strike the more damage you will make, eventually breaking the limb, or mutilating it. 
|skillname = Carve
|syntax = DHURIV CARVE <target>
|description = By using both blades of your weapon you can efficiently make two of your opponents limbs useless.
NOTE: This attack takes a full second longer than a Dhuriv Slash/Stab and choses limbs at random, making it severely inferior to Epseth or Epteth. Never use it.
|skillname = Arc
|syntax = DHURIV ARC
|description = Swinging your weapon in a wide arc, you can strike everyone who is present in the room.
|skillname = Spinecut
|syntax = DHURIV SPINECUT <target>
|description = This move can be used to quickly end your opponent's suffering by cutting off their spine. To be able to use it, the opponent must be confused, and sprawled on the ground with both legs crippled.
|skillname = Impale
|syntax = DHURIV IMPALE <target>
|description = If your opponent is on the ground, you can use this skill to drive the blade into his stomach. This will cause regular damage until it has been removed. Your victim can not move while being impaled, though since your weapon is stuck inside him, neither can you. WITHDRAW DHURIVE will remove your weapon from your opponent's guts.
NOTE: WITHDRAW DHURIVE will '''NOT''' remove your weapon from your opponent's guts.
|skillname = Dualraze
|syntax = DHURIV DUALRAZE <target>
|description = With this swift move you can raze two of your opponent's protective auras at once.
|skillname = Gorge
|syntax = DHURIV GORGE <target>
|description = If you have someone impaled upon your dhuriv, you can gorge them for significant damage.


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