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Golems are semi-autonomous expressions of a Teradrim's will, built from various substances of the earth and animated by Earthen runes of power. Though they are possessed of rudimentary intellect and are able to follow basic commands, they are not fully sentient and require their maker's guidance to act. At more advanced levels of Animation, golems may be taught reflexes, devastating combat maneuvers, and even become a sort of second body to their maker.
Golems are semi-autonomous expressions of a Teradrim's will, built from various substances of the earth and animated by Earthen runes of power. Though they are possessed of rudimentary intellect and are able to follow basic commands, they are not fully sentient and require their maker's guidance to act. At more advanced levels of Animation, golems may be taught reflexes, devastating combat maneuvers, and even become a sort of second body to their maker.
