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'''Elemancy''' is the art of manipulating Spirit, Fire, and Water, drawing modicums from the elemental planes and shaping them in order to achieve magical results. In its more basic forms, the [[Ascendril (class)|Ascendril]] employ the art to cast rays of light, summon wards of water, and ward off harm with a fiery veil; the trained Elemancer, however, wields a bevy of elemental brands, venomous frostspikes, and the dreaded holocaust orb, which brings either devastation or restoration depending upon the caster's whim.
== Abilities ==
{{SkillTableRow |Channel |Inept |0 |Open conduits to the Elemental Realms. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Channel|Inept|0|Open conduits to the Elemental Realms. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Focus |Gifted |0 |Create a magical focus for easier spellcasting. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Focus|Gifted|33|Create a magical focus for easier spellcasting. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Simultaneity |Virtuoso |50 |Parallel channeling. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Simultaneity|Fabled|33|Parallel channeling. }}
== Fire ==
== Fire Spells ==
{{SkillTableRow |Ignite|Novice|0|Render them ablaze with a snap of your fingers. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Spark |Novice |0 |Render them scorched with a snap of your fingers. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Firelash|Apprentice|0|Whip their body with a lash of flame. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Evaporate |Capable |0 |Remove traces of water from your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Scorch|Capable|0|A gout of flame will cripple their limbs. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fireburst |Adept |0 |Send a burst of fiery projectiles at your foe. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Efreeti|Adept|33|Call a fiery efreeti to your aid. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ashenfeet |Skilled |0 |A gout of flame will cripple their legs. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Evaporate|Skilled|33|Remove traces of water from your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Blazewhirl |Gifted |25 |A blazing tornado of fire. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fireball|Gifted|0|Send a flaming meteor at your foe. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Conflagrate |Expert |0 |Bolster the flames upon their body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Conflagrate|Expert|66|Bolster the flames upon their body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cinder |Expert |75 |Obscure scents in smoky cinder. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Firewhirl|Fabled|0|An uncontrollable tornado of fire. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Afterburn |Virtuoso |75 |Burn them with lingering, smoldering embers. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sunspot |Fabled |40 |Engulf foes with a radiant burst of light. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pyroclast |Mythical |0 |Apply directly to the face. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Disintegrate |Mythical |60 |Release a fiery beam of destruction. }}
== Water ==
== Water Spells ==
{{SkillTableRow |Hailstorm|Capable|33|Pelt them with frozen stones. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Coldsnap |Apprentice |0 |A chilling burst to deaden the mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fog|Capable|66|Conjure up an obscuring fog. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fog |Capable |33 |Conjure up an obscuring fog. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Torrent|Skilled|0|Send someone flying into the sky. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Iceray |Adept |33 |Cast forth a ray of extreme cold. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Coldsnap|Skilled|66|A chilling burst to deaden the mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Drench |Skilled |33 |Release a spray of freezing cold water. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Gorge|Gifted|66|Cause an opponent to have their fill. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Glazeflow |Gifted |50 |Create a powerful flow of ice. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Icicle|Expert|0|Pierce their body with a frigid spike. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Direfrost |Expert |25 |A creeping, perpetual chill. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Frostblade|Expert|33|Carve into their body with a frozen sword. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Flood |Virtuoso |0 |Cover your surroundings with water. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Shatter|Virtuoso|0|Cause them to fall to pieces. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Icicle |Fabled |0 |Pierce their body with frigid spikes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Flood|Virtuoso|33|Cover your surroundings with water. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Shatter |Fabled |60 |Shatter your icicles into smaller projectiles. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Blizzard|Mythical|0|Create a powerful winter storm. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Crystalise |Mythical |20 |Encase them in an ice crystal. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Direfrost|Mythical|66|A creeping, perpetual chill. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Winterheart |Mythical |80 |Tendrils of winter will sap their strength. }}
== Air ==
== Air Spells ==
{{SkillTableRow |Gust|Apprentice|33|Knock your target from your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Windlance |Apprentice |33 |Send a spear of air to pierce their shields. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cyclone|Apprentice|66|Pull them from the skies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Gust |Capable |66 |Knock your target from your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Windlance|Adept|0|Send a spear of air to pierce their shields. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Arcbolt |Adept |66 |Shock your victim with a burst of electricity. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pressurize|Adept|66|A sudden shift in local air pressure. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pressurize |Skilled |66 |A sudden shift in local air pressure. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lightning|Virtuoso|66|Shock your victim with a burst of electricity. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Electrosphere |Gifted |75 |Make egress an impossibility. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thunder|Fabled|66|Crush them with the roar of the storm. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Thunderclap |Expert |50 |Crush them with the roar of the storm. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Mistral|Mythical|33|Freeze them with a blast of tundral air. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cyclone |Virtuoso |25 |Pull them from the skies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Whirlwind|Transcendent|0|Make egress an impossibility. }}|}
{{SkillTableRow |Feedback |Fabled |20 |A crack of static feedback. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Capacitance |Fabled |80 |Capture electricity and turn it into a weapon. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Aeroblast |Mythical |40 |Release a dual burst of violent wind, tossing them  
|skillname = Channel
asunder. }}
|syntax = CHANNELS
{{SkillTableRow |Stormwrath |Transcendent |0 |Form a monsterous storm of falling lightning. }}
|description =        CHANNEL <FIRE/WATER/AIR/SPIRIT>
In order to harness the power of the elements, you must first open a channel to one of the four
elemental realms of Fire, Water, Air and Spirit. Once you have opened a channel to that realm, you
will be able to make repeated use of spells that require those elements. You can close your channel
to the elements at any time by severing them. There is no cost to keeping them active.
|skillname = Focus
|description =        EMBED FOCUS IN <weapon>
Although the crystals extracted from the Master Crystal no longer appear to be suitable for
Crystalism, it has been found they make controlling the elements slightly easier. Excise a focus
from the Master Crystal while you are standing before it, and then embed it into either a staff,
dagger, or a sceptre.
Should you be wielding such an object containing a focus crystal, you will be able to command the
elements with greater ease. Your spells will no longer require both hands, only a single hand.
Additionally, parrying an attack will charge your focus crystal with magical energy, restoring a
portion of your mana instantly.
|skillname = Simultaneity
|description =
Using this ability, you will simultaneously open channels to the Water, Fire, Air and Spirit realms.
|skillname = Ignite
|syntax = CAST IGNITE <target>
|description =
This simple spell will instantly alight your victim with flames.
Water resonance: Will turn your flames into steam, causing the blisters affliction in place of
|skillname = Firelash
|syntax = CAST FIRELASH <target> <bodypart>
|description =
Draw forth a searing whip of magical flame and lash at your foe, causing moderate fire damage. You
may specify a limb to target with this ability, causing a small amount of limb damage as well.
Fire resonance: If not already affected by it, your firelash will leave behind a wreath of flames
that causes damage to the specified limb once on your next fire spell.
Water resonance: A layer of steam will cause your firelash to deal extra health damage.
|skillname = Scorch
|syntax = CAST SCORCH <target> <arms/legs>
|description =
Send an arcing wave of flame to strike high or low on your victim - crippling a random arm or leg.
If already ablaze, your victim will find both arms or legs broken.
Water resonance: Blast your foe with pressured steam, leaving their skin too slick for salves.
Air resonance: The blaze will scorch their lungs horribly, causing asthma in addition to any other
|skillname = Efreeti
|syntax = CAST EFREETI
|description =        CALL ELEMENTALS
Summon forth a friendly fiery efreeti which will attack targets you command it to. You can view
HELP LOYALTY for more information on how to command it.
An efreeti is an elemental from the Plane of Fire that has inhabited the corpse of a mortal that
has stumbled into the dangerous plane, forming a half-humanoid half-fire creature.
|skillname = Evaporate
|description =
By heating the air, you can evaporate the water within your location should it be unnaturally
|skillname = Fireball
|syntax = CAST FIREBALL <target>
|description =
Conjure a massive ball of flame and shoot it directly at an enemy in your line of sight - causing
significant fire damage.
|skillname = Conflagrate
|syntax = CAST CONFLAGRATE <target>
|description =
Should your victim be ablaze and suffering from a broken or damaged limb, you may instantly calm
the flame - causing agonizing pain as you do, and placing an emberbrand upon them. While affected
by the emberbrand, all fire spells will first ignite the target before doing their subsequent
effects. The duration of the emberbrand depends on the damage of the limb - this will always take
the limb that gives the highest duration.
|skillname = Firewhirl
|description =
Conjure a tornado of fire in your location that will periodically cause fire damage to all present.
Once cast, the firewhirl is beyond your control and will begin randomly moving through the area.
The firewhirl will absorb the ablaze affliction from anybody present with it, increasing the damage
it outputs but decreasing its remaining time. The firewhirl will also absorb any other firewhirls
in the room with it.
You cannot cast a second firewhirl until your first has expired.
|skillname = Hailstorm
|syntax = CAST HAILSTORM <target>
|description =
Batter your target with frigid hailstones, delivering blunt damage and dizziness. This damage is
increased on a prone target.
Fire resonance: This spell affects all enemies in the location.
Air resonance: The spell's effect changes completely to deal less damage, but now afflict with
lethargy and freeze the target. If the target is prone, it will also cause confusion and deal more
|skillname = Fog
|syntax = CAST FOG
|description =
With the powers of water, you may coax moisture into the air and cause an obscuring fog to envelop
the room. Those outside the fog will be unable to see into the location.
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Torrent
|syntax = CAST TORRENT <target>
|description =
If your room is flooded, you may send a powerful burst of water from the ground, sending your
intended victim into the sky, where they will linger briefly before falling. If no sky is available,
your victim will crash into the ceiling and be stunned, while taking heavy blunt damage.
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Coldsnap
|syntax = CAST COLDSNAP <target>
|description =
Draw the heat from their skull and freeze their brain, causing stupidity and cold damage. If
shivering, this spell will also deplete their mana.
Fire resonance: Cause a fever that will also leave them reckless.
Air resonance: Short-circuit their mind in the process, causing masochism as well.
|skillname = Gorge
|syntax = CAST GORGE <target> <pill>
|description =
This unique spell will inundate your victim with a feeling of fullness, preventing them from eating
the pill of your choice until cured.
Fire resonance: Further your malaise and afflict them with anorexia as well. If already anorexic,
their body will also swell, temporarily preventing salve application.
Air resonance: Leave them indifferent alongside the normal effect. If already indifferent, the air
will be pulled from their lungs, leaving them temporarily unable to smoke.
|skillname = Icicle
|syntax = CAST ICICLE <target>/GROUND
|description =
You may cast a powerful blade of ice towards a target, causing significant damage and impaling them
if they are below 50% of their maximum health or fully frozen.
You may cast this blade into the ground, temporarily setting a trap that will have the same effect
on the next enemy to enter from above.
|skillname = Frostblade
|syntax = CAST FROSTBLADE <target> <venom>
|description =
Conjure and simultaneously strike your enemy with a blade of magical ice, causing cold damage and
delivering the venom of your choice.
Water resonance: Your frostblade will cause hypothermia in addition to its normal effects.
Hypothermia may only be cured by applying epidermal to a fully cured torso. While hypothermic, you
will be unable apply insulation, nor raise your health above 80% maximum.
Air resonance: Adhere a wreath of frost to your target. The next time they attempt to attack,
they'll take damage and the frostwreath will be cured. This effect will work on both denizens and
|skillname = Shatter
|syntax = CAST SHATTER
|description =
If you have impaled your victim upon an icicle, and they are fully frozen with two damaged limbs,
you may send a wave of kinetic force to instantly shatter their body, leaving them in pieces.
|skillname = Flood
|syntax = CAST FLOOD
|description =
Draw upon your connection to the plane of Water and conjure a deluge of water to flood your
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Blizzard
|description =
Turn your room into a winter wonderscape, rendering it impossible to see who is present, and
causing periodic cold damage. You may only have one storm effect active at a time.
|skillname = Direfrost
|syntax = CAST DIREFROST <target>
|description = More of a curse than a spell, this arcane magic will imbue a shivering victim with a
creeping cold. Each time they suffer from cold damage, the frost will grow - when it has grown five
times, the direfrost will transform into a frostbrand.
The frostbrand will continually chill an opponent in an attempt to freeze them. Should the victim
become frozen from any source while under its effect, they will be encased in ice should they fail
to cure their frozen status within one second. Being further frozen while already fully frozen will
also cause them be immediately encased in ice. Random curing methods will be prevented from curing
these afflictions while the brand remains.
Being encased in ice will increase the bodypart damage the victim takes by 50%.
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Gust
|syntax = CAST GUST <target> <direction>
|description =
Conjure a burst of wind to send your target flying from your location in the direction of your
choice. The mass defense will prevent this, unless your victim suffers from the effects of the
Colliding with an obstacle may have effects. Icewalls will chill the victim alongside damage, while
firewalls will cause fire damage and ablaze.
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Cyclone
|syntax = CAST CYCLONE [<target>]
|description =
Send a spout of wind into the air, knocking down everyone in the skies or trees above. If a target
is specified, this spell is much quicker.
|skillname = Windlance
|syntax = CAST WINDLANCE <target>
|description =
With great exertion, you can generate a razor-sharp lance of wind and launch it at your intended
target, striking them with a piercing bolt that destroys any shield in your way in the process. If
no shield is present, the lance will send them toppling over.
Air resonance: Your windlances will cause clumsiness in additional to their normal effects. If
already clumsy, the victim will suffer from dizziness.
Fire resonance: The air around the target will be heated, causing periodic damage to them for a
|skillname = Pressurize
|syntax = CAST PRESSURIZE <target>
|description =
Manipulate the air around your target, squeezing their body from all directions, and striking them
with vertigo. If already suffering from vertigo, the pressure will leave them confused and drained
of mana.
Water resonance: The air around your target will chill dramatically, cold damage and causing
weariness as well.
Fire resonance: The air around your target spikes in heat, causing fire damage and afflicting them
with clumsiness as well.
|skillname = Lightning
|syntax = CAST LIGHTNING <target>
|description =
This rippling bolt of lightning will shock your foe, causing electrical damage and paresis in the
Water resonance: Your thunderous strike numbs the body entirely, causing epilepsy as well.
Fire resonance: Your lightning will fry their mind entirely, causing vertigo.
|skillname = Thunder
|syntax = CAST THUNDER <target>
|description =
Engulf your foe with a cascade of momentous thunder, battering them with dizziness and stupidity.
If already suffering from both afflictions and at least one other mental malady, this spell will
instead leave a thunderbrand upon them. The duration depends on how low the target's mana is.
The thunderbrand crackles with electric force, causing focusing attempts to drain health, and will
lengthen pill balance recovery in your foe.
This spell has no resonant effects.
|skillname = Mistral
|syntax = CAST MISTRAL <target>
|description =
Summon forth a tundral wind to blast your foes with frigid temperatures, freezing them.
Water resonance: This spell will be slightly slower to cast, but will freeze the target for two
Fire resonance: This spell will warm your target before freezing, leaving them sensitive to further
|skillname = Whirlwind
|description =
Create a massive tornado that engulfs your room, making leaving the location much more difficult.
You may only have one storm effect active at a time. Movement attempts will drain your mana; should
you fall below 50% maximum mana, you will be unable to leave entirely.
The effects of whirlwind do not stack with similar obstructing abilities.
This spell has no resonant effects.


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