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{{SkillTableRow |Handtrailing |Inept |0 |Trailing light from your hand. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Handtrailing |Inept |0 |Trailing light from your hand. }}
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{{SkillTableRow |Heartcage |Transcendent |0 |Bind their heart in a locket. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Heartcage |Transcendent |0 |Bind their heart in a locket. }}
|skillname = Handtrailing
|syntax =
|description = This ability is passive.
Trailing is a method by which one is able to begin creating light, the first step of weaving.
To begin, it requires a single hand free of items, allowing light to form within the palm of your
hand. However, being a rather ancient and crude method of magic, it will exhaust your body of its
natural energy, requiring that you move your body a certain number of times before you may weave
another spell.
This is known as a state of dither, and when looking at Weaving spells that you may use, they will
be listed with a dithering value. After casting a spell, you will need to use a number of balance-
taking actions equal to the dithering value before you can cast another spell.
The amount of balance recovery time does not matter, simply using your balance and recovering it is
|skillname = Tearing
|syntax = WEAVE TEARING <target>
|description = AFFECTS: Both players and NPCsDithering effect: 3Weave glowing threads through your
opponent and then tear them apart with a simple gesture. This will deal magical damage to their
body and cause them to bleed.
|skillname = Glimmer
|syntax =
|description = This ability is passive.
While your ability to weave isn't under the effects of dithering, your glowing hand can serve as a
distraction to your opponent. It will unintentionally act as a focal point, drawing the opponent's
eyes, and allows you to better dodge your opponent's attacks.
|skillname = Sheath
|syntax = WEAVE SHEATH
|description = Dithering effect: 1 Spin together a subtle sheath around yourself that will help you
resist harm against physical attack. In addition, every sixth instance of damage will be negated
|skillname = Image
|syntax = WEAVE IMAGE [target]
|description = Dithering effect: 3Create a lifelike image of your target. This image will be
treated like a real person when a skill calculates how many people are within a room.If no target
is specified, then you will create an image of yourself.
|skillname = Scatter
|description = With a clench, you can cause any woven object or effect to crumble apart. This will
remove all objects or effects of its kind that you have created.The only exception to this is the
Boundary ability. You may scatter any Boundary in your current room, no matter who it belongs to.
|skillname = Nullstone
|description = Dithering effect: 2Weave together a stone of annulment, that you can hold in your
free hand. Should an enemy strike you while this stone is wielded, it will shatter and destroy two
defences that they have in the process.
|skillname = Soundblast
|description = Dithering effect: 3With a mighty clap of your hands, you can annihilate the hearing
of those around you. This will remove any deafness and make their ears ring.
|skillname = Signage
|syntax = WEAVE SIGNAGE <foreground colour> <background colour> <text>
|description = Dithering effect: 1Pull light into your grasp and shape it into large, floating text
that is sure to bring attention to whatever grandiose announcement you have to make. Your message
cannot be longer than 11 characters.
|skillname = Facsimile
|syntax = WEAVE FACSIMILE <type>
|description = Dithering effect: 1Conjure forth ordinary everyday objects. They can be a few things
of choice, and will decay in a short amount of time.Types:Cup, chair, table, cane, rock, chest,
soapbox, sword, pole, springboard, ladder, barrel, or fence.
|skillname = Globes
|syntax = WEAVE GLOBES <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 1Bring forth three illusionary globes to encircle a target of
choice. Should that target move to a different location, one of them will become charged and zip
back to you, reducing your accumulated dithering by one.Once enough time passes and at least one of
the globes is still upon your foe, they will crash into your target, causing dizziness, confusion,
and then perplexed in that order for each remaining globe.Should another ability require the Globes
skill as a requisite, then weaving that ability will cause either dizziness, confusion, and then
perplexed in that order upon the target in addition to its other effects.
|skillname = Patchwork
|syntax = WEAVE PATCHWORK <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Through probing strands of light, you can utilise them to heal
two random physical afflictions from a target by stitching together injuries found within the body.
If they are an ally, it will also cure a random mental affliction and restore some health.Look at
HELP TYPES for more information on what is regarded as a physical and mental affliction.
|skillname = Aurora
|syntax = WEAVE AURORA
|description = AFFECTS: Players onlyDithering effect: 1 When any arcane-sourced attack you make
takes form, it will become empowered if it strikes someone who has been recently hostile to you.
This will allow that attack to deal 50% more damage to them.
|skillname = Horologe
|syntax = WEAVE HOROLOGE and TURN <hourglass>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Weave together a faded hourglass into your free hand. Once turned,
the hourglass will burst into a flash of light after five seconds and whoever holds it will have
their shielded defence and rebounding defence destroyed. If the aura of rebounding is in the
process of coming up, it will be prematurely ended.
|skillname = Swindle
|syntax = WEAVE SWINDLE <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 5Requires a Globe upon the opponent.By weaving light to penetrate
your opponent's defences, you may steal one of them for your own benefit. The defence is chosen at
random from those currently active on the target, and will expire after a set amount of time.
|skillname = Goblet
|syntax = WEAVE GOBLET
|description = Dithering effect: 3Drinking from this goblet will cause you to double over in pain,
vomiting up whatever you eat next. Although usually most people wouldn't drink from this cup, if
the person who holds it has the addiction affliction, they will be unable to help themselves from
drinking it instead of something else.
|skillname = Starfall
|description = Dithering effect: 2Bring down stars of multicoloured light five times to strike your
foes providing you are outside. Deals either magical, cold, or fire damage to random enemies within
the location, but will only strike up three enemies per wave.The magical light will also destroy
the arcane defence when it collides with an enemy.
|skillname = Barbs
|syntax = WEAVE BARBS <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Requires a Globe upon the opponent.Split a globe surrounding your
opponent into deadly anti-magical rods that will plunge into their body. Each time they use or lose
some mana, the barbs will draw blood to the surface and cause them to bleed proportionally to the
amount of mana consumed.After a certain amount of mana is used or lost, the rods will disintegrate
into nothing.
|skillname = Onyx
|syntax =
|description = This ability is passive.
You now possess understanding of how to utilise onyx in order to reduce the magical fatigue on your
body caused by weaving. While wearing any jewelcraft with a gem of onyx upon it, the immediate
effects of dithering will be reduced by one.
If this effect reduces the dithering effect to zero or below, you will able to cast another weaving
spell in succession if you so choose.
|skillname = Boundary
|description = Dithering effect: 3Form a destructive boundary over the current location that will
only visible to those who have engaged hypersight. Anyone who crosses the boundary will be subject
to its destructive effects. For each ability on cooldown that is counted in seconds, one defence
will be lost.Should another ability require the Boundary skill as a requisite, then weaving that
ability will empower the boundary effect, preventing enemies from leaving your location for a short
|skillname = Headstitch
|syntax = WEAVE HEADSTITCH <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 2Requires a Globe upon the opponent.Grasp their head and stitch
together their mouth and mind with conjured strands of light. This will interfere with their
magical connections, besilencing their ability to call upon their mana and dulling their mind into
a deadened state.
|skillname = Anelace
|syntax = WEAVE ANELACE and STAB <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Weave together a sharp anelace engraved with runes of misery and
despair. Once wielded, anyone may stab this blade into their opponent to drive a hollowness into
their soul, making them hollow and narcoleptic, after which it will quickly crumble apart.Since the
anelace is a small weapon, you will be able to stab with it during Rhythm. Please see AB
PERFORMANCE RHYTHM for more information on this skill.
|skillname = Polarity
|syntax = WEAVE POLARITY <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Requires your location to have Boundary.Shift a target and
yourself to a random location within three rooms. If there is a monolith sigil in the target's room
or the destination, then you will be stricken with magical forces working against you, causing
damage and stripping the cloak defence after movement.
|skillname = Impetus
|description = Dithering effect: 4Wreathe your falchion or rapier in black light that will mark
your oppponent when you land a blow upon them. Upon three consecutive blows in quick succession,
the light will hold upon the opponent and mark them with a black star. This may only be achieved
through the use of the Tempo into Rhythm combination.Venoms cannot be imparted from your blade's
edge to your opponent while this effect is upon your sword.
|skillname = Effigy
|syntax = WEAVE EFFIGY <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 4Requires your location to have Boundary.By utilising a placed
boundary upon the ground, you can draw upon it to weave together an effigy of your opponent. Once
created, you can strike this effigy with an attack and any damage dealt to it will be transferred
to your opponent, no matter how far away they might be.
|skillname = Runeband
|syntax = WEAVE RUNEBAND <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Surround your opponent with a band of shifting runes, wrought
from magical light and drifting in a clockwise pattern around them. While active, the confusing
marks will afflict your opponent every so often with one of following afflictions in the specified
order. It will collapse if the opponent is no longer in the same location as you.They will
additionally be unable to use abilities that dispel magic.Afflictions:Stupidity, paranoia, ringing
ears, loneliness, exhausted, laxity, and clumsiness.Should another ability require the Runeband
skill as a requisite, then weaving that ability will alter the spin of the band, afflicting the
enemy in reverse order instead.
|skillname = Thurible
|description = Dithering effect: 5Weave together a golden thurible that will begin to emit smoke.
Any enemy of yours in the location will choke and cough on the smoke, knocking their pipe balance.
If they inhale the smoke three times, then it will cause asthma instead.The smoke will only occur
if the thurible is either wielded or placed upon the ground.
|skillname = Bladestorm
|syntax = WEAVE BLADESTORM <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Requires a Runeband upon the opponent.Summon three daggers to
hover around your target. Every time someone uses a weapon attack against the target, there is a 1
in 3 chance a dagger will plunge down from the skies and deliver the loki venom. If the weapon
attack does not originate from the Performance skillset, then the chance is lowered to 1 in 8.The
venom that the loki attack delivers from this skill will be visible to you.
|skillname = Talisman
|description = Dithering effect: 5Once woven, this wooden talisman will grant any holder extra luck
while they possess it. Magical effects that alert your presence to another on entry will become
nullified while it remains in your inventory.
|skillname = Ironcollar
|syntax = WEAVE IRONCOLLAR <target>
|description = Dithering effect: 3Requires a Runeband upon the opponent.Weave together the runeband
upon your opponent to create an iron collar, which will constrict their throat by snapping shut
shortly after creation. When the iron collar is latched closed, they will find it difficult to
smoke their pipes quickly, and they will unable to FLY or SWING into the trees.An opponent can
remove the collar from themselves to escape its grasp before it becomes trapped around their neck.
|skillname = Heartcage
|syntax = WEAVE HEARTCAGE <target> and BREAK LOCKET
|description = Dithering effect: 6Requires your location to have Boundary.If the opponent is bound
by an iron collar, fallen, and their primary emotional state is over 50% in strength, you can tie
their heart to the pinnacle of weaving; the heart-cage locket. Once begun, it will begin to form
upon the ground after a short delay. During its formation, the locket can be attacked and destroyed
to prevent its creation.Once the locket is fully formed, you will be able to break it in order to
slay your opponent instantly at your leisure, though be warned it will only last for five minutes
before crumbling.


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