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The full text of the Apocalyptia can be found upon the five great monoliths across [[Sapience]].
The full text of the Apocalyptia can be found upon the five great monoliths across [[Sapience]].
{{SkillTableRow |Fervour |Inept |0 |Without strength, we are nothing. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Reinforce |Inept |49 |Find succour in stone. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Diverge |Novice |0 |Sundered in twain by the might of earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Revelation |Novice |50 |All shall bear witness. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Verses |Apprentice |0 |Its words were turned loose. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Providence |Apprentice |50 |Know its grace and taste its bounty. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Battlehymn |Capable |0 |Power and might did flow forth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Euphoria |Capable |50 |Exult in the glory of war. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Earthcall |Adept |0 |The footfall of armies mustered. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Execration |Adept |50 |May impurity be scoured from the sacred lands. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Proscription |Skilled |0 |May the faithless repent or be broken. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lull |Skilled |33 |To staunch the wounds and mend the skein. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Wardance |Skilled |50 |In remembrance of the Great Father's conquest of old. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Resolute |Gifted |0 |With hearts of stone and minds of steel. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ground |Gifted |0 |We would never again kneel. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Reckoning |Gifted |33 |And it will be the End. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Hysteria |Gifted |66 |Gibbering madness is their lot. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Enervation |Expert |0 |And they would know only weakness and torment. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Censor |Expert |33 |Voices stilled to loath quiescence. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Constitution |Expert |50 |The will of the Earthen is unyielding. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Transgressions |Expert |66 |Vigilant without refrain. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ordain |Virtuoso |0 |Enforce the will of the earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sentencing |Virtuoso |33 |Summoned to face judgement before the earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Empowerment |Virtuoso |66 |And so the Earth provided. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Marshal |Fabled |0 |Gather the warbands and sound the clarion call. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Primordial |Fabled |66 |All shall return to Chaos. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Imperishable |Mythical |0 |The strong prevail, and the weak are remade by the
earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Libation |Mythical |50 |And thus the earth shall have its due. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Eternity |Mythical |75 |May we never know peace. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Imprisonment |Transcendent |0 |Bound in blood, bound in bone. }}
|skill = Fervour
|description = Without strength, we are nothing
|syntax = DIRGE FERVOUR [target]
|detail = Fervour is the resource that fuels many of your abilities in Apocalyptia. By invoking
this verse of the eternal song, you may scrutinise the intensity of your fervour, or that of
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Reinforce
|description = Find succour in stone
|syntax = DIRGE REINFORCE [target]
|detail = Fervour cost: 150
The Earthen cannot falter, for in failure lies the doom of worlds. Should you or another be injured
in glorious battle, you may call upon the earth for succour and healing. As your skill in
Apocalyptia rises, the earth's grace will become stronger, and will heal a random affliction as
well if the target is not yourself.
If your patient is a fellow Earthcaller, their wounds will close more quickly. Healing will have no
effect upon the foul Duamvi, and be lessened against any who do not share your Tether.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Diverge
|description = Sundered in twain by the might of earth
|syntax = DIRGE DIVERGE <direction>
|detail = Fervour cost: 100
As the great warbands of Azvosh Rakar did rend the land, so too can you command the earth to
splinter, diverting water away from the specified direction.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Revelation
|description = All shall bear witness
|detail = Fervour cost: 100
Azvosh eternal and brutality incarnate. By cleaving t'ward this fundamental truth, the Dirge shall
banish falsehood and reveal illusions for what they are to you. There is a chance your truth will
fade after seeing through an illusion.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Verses
|description = Its words were turned loose
|syntax = VERSES
|detail = You may now discern any active verses which have been sung into existence at your
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Providence
|description = Know its grace and taste its bounty
|detail = Fervour cost: 1500
Those who keep faith in the earth shall suffer neither hunger nor thirst, for the bounty of Azvosh
will provide for its own. With a bowl in your possession, invoking this verse of the Dirge will
fill it with bone broth and you will know great sustenance. The earth does not surrender its gifts
frivolously, however, and you may not request sustenance again without first showing patience.
|cooldown = Until the Howling
|target =
|required =
|skill = Battlehymn
|description = Power and might did flow forth
|detail = Fervour cost: 750
By singing one of the mythical battle hymns of Azvosh Rakar, your body shall become a vessel of the
unforgiving earth. Drink from the overflowing cup of its unfathomable might and grow powerful with
increased strength.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Euphoria
|description = Exult in the glory of war
|syntax = DIRGE EUPHORIA [target]
|detail = Fervour cost: 200
The Earthen are the people of war, and by invoking the memories of ancient battles, the Dirge shall
bestow a glimpse of true glory upon yourself or your target. Willpower and endurance shall be
restored, so potent is the euphoric revelry.
The effects will fade after a certain amount of time, or until the target is attacked.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Earthcall
|description = The footfall of armies mustered
|detail = Fervour cost: 500 to create the verse, 750 for the act of travel
When the drums of war sound across the great expanse, none can resist the call to battle. Bring
forth this verse within a location and, should you find yourself separated from the soldiers of
your mighty warband, you may travel to any who stand within it.
Upon arrival, any allies in the location will be healed by a small amount of health and mana.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Execration
|description = May impurity be scoured from the sacred lands
|syntax = DIRGE EXECRATION <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 250
Raw strength is the signature characteristic of the Earthen, and a demonstration of such is a
simple feat. By calling on this verse of the eternal song, you may assail your pitiful foe with a
blast of shadow energy, imposing more damage upon them should midnight grip the land.
Most magical barriers shall be powerless to withstand your assault, rendered ineffectual by so
potent and focused a strike.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Proscription
|description = May the faithless repent or be broken
|syntax = DIRGE PROSCRIPTION <chaos entity>
|detail = Fervour cost: 750
Servants of disorder have no place among the sublime perfection of the earth. None shall you suffer
to roam free, and this verse will force them to submit for a period of time.
|cooldown =
|target = NPCs only
|required =
|skill = Lull
|description = To staunch the wounds and mend the skein
|syntax = DIRGE LULL <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 150
As the Sorcerer Kings of old were sapped of their power and will, so too shall your target be
struck down by the curse of peace.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Wardance
|description = In remembrance of the Great Father's conquest of old
|detail = Mightiest of all the Gods, the Great Father did bring conquest to the ancient foes of old
and subjugate them to His supernal will. Dance the dance of spears and swords before a holy shrine
and be renewed of fervour. For all are but extensions of the Immortal Earth.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Resolute
|description = With hearts of stone and minds of steel
|detail = Fervour cost: 200
You are a jailer of the accursed; your solemn duty is without end. Resolute you must remain, and so
shall this verse of the Dirge repel fatigue and turn back hunger while you stand within its embrace.
So crucial is your vigilance that this verse will linger for longer than all others when invoked.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ground
|description = We would never again kneel
|syntax = DIRGE GROUND
|detail = Fervour cost: 900
To be one with the earth is to enjoy strength unconquerable, and by drawing upon your unshakeable
resolve, the earth shall anchor you in place. While you remain standing you will be nigh immovable,
a true bulwark of stone and sand. To release the anchor you must call upon this verse a second time,
and the earth shall set you free.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Reckoning
|description = And it will be the End
|syntax = DIRGE RECKONING <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 600
Open the mind of your accursed foe, that they may look upon the unknowable empty and be granted a
vision of the fate that awaits should you fail your duty. The weak cannot withstand prolonged
exposure, and they will be struck down with debilitating maladies.
Afflictions include: vomiting, dizziness, epilepsy, confusion, slickness, hallucinations, stupidity,
and vertigo.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Hysteria
|description = Gibbering madness is their lot
|syntax = DIRGE HYSTERIA <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 250
All with an affinity to earth have felt the touch of insanity brush against their minds. You may
harness this madness and direct it at your wretched foe, atrophying their mind as confusion and
dizziness take hold.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Enervation
|description = And they would know only weakness and torment
|detail = Fervour cost: 600
The strength of the Sorcerer Kings must be kept sapped to slake the thirst of ages. By wielding a
tithe of the earth's power, you may command the Dirge to leave behind an echo of this terrible
sentence. Enemies who remain within it shall be assailed with shadow damage or drained of mana as
they taste but a sample of the earth's vengeance.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Censor
|description = Voices stilled to loath quiescence
|syntax = DIRGE CENSOR <verse/ALL>
|detail = Though the song of war is an eternal one, not all its verses befit all situations. By
invoking this ability, you may end all your verses of a certain type that exist in the world, or
still them all entirely.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Constitution
|description = The will of the Earthen is unyielding
|detail = Fervour cost: 100
It is said that the atrocities of war would turn the stomachs of all who look upon the carnage of
the battlefield. By beseeching the earth for enhanced constitution, your gut shall never know the
nausea endured by lesser beings.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Transgressions
|description = Vigilant without refrain
|detail = Fervour cost: 300
Ever must we cast our gaze upon the inscrutable empty and maintain watch over an insidious,
unrelenting foe. While this verse persists, enemies who trespass upon your hallowed ground shall
alert you of their coming.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ordain
|description = Enforce the will of the earth
|syntax = DIRGE ORDAIN <target> <command>
|detail = Fervour cost: 2000
The minds of the faithless are easily bent to your implacable will. Call forth the verse of
ordination, and your foe shall obey your command. Magical barriers will be no obstacle to the earth,
its solemn will be done.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Sentencing
|description = Summoned to face judgement before the earth
|detail = Fervour cost: 1000 to create the verse, 100 for the summoning
Those who trespass against the earth shall not go unpunished. Any who remain within the location of
this manifested verse may be summoned and after a short delay, will stand before you to face
judgement. The density defence shall forestall your imminent sentencing, though the attempt will
remove it from the accused.
Should you fail six times, the verse shall fade and be no more.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Empowerment
|description = And so the Earth provided
|detail = Fervour cost: 600
The earth must remain pure, free of taint and toxins that would mar its fathomless perfection.
While you or your allies stand within the Verse of Empowerment, afflictions shall on occasion be
driven from your bodies.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Marshal
|description = Gather the warbands and sound the clarion call
|syntax = DIRGE MARSHAL <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 1200
The warbands of Azvosh Rakar are mighty indeed, and though you cannot match their legendary throngs,
this verse of the Dirge shall resound across the continent and allow you to summon an allied
soldier to your side.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Primordial
|description = All shall return to Chaos
|detail = Fervour cost: 750
The consequence for failure is oblivion, and it must never come to pass. By bringing forth the
death knell of the worldspine, your verse will periodically destroy an unprotected entity of chaos
and return it to the primordial whence it came.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Imperishable
|description = The strong prevail, and the weak are remade by the earth
|syntax = DIRGE IMPERISHABLE <target>
|detail = Fervour cost: 1000
If you are not strong, then you are dead. Should one of the faithful fall, you may remake them in
the mould of the earth, granting them a chance at redemption on the field of battle.
Their corpse must be in your possession in order to enact this verse, and should they fail to
accept your offering in a timely manner, the body shall crumble to dust.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Libation
|description = And thus the earth shall have its due
|detail = Fervour cost: 2000
The earth must be fed, for it is a vast and hungry beast, pitiless and cold. While this verse
lingers, the corpses of all who fall shall be swallowed by the jaws of Azvosh, and be denied
revival. None are exempt from the blood price, and the earth will feast indiscriminately, even on
one of its own.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Eternity
|description = May we never know peace
|detail = Fervour cost: 500 for the verse creation, 250 for the summoning
Battle unending is the dream of the Earthen, and so shall it be made manifest. By focusing your
energies and extending your fervour outwards, all active verses that linger amidst a Verse of
Eternity will be brought to you. And war shall reap its harvest evermore.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Imprisonment
|description = Bound in blood, bound in bone
|detail = Fervour cost: 1000
From blood and bone is the everlasting prison of the damned forged. You may attempt to fashion a
gaol of your own making through this verse of the Dirge. The earth will attempt to hold your foes
in place and deny them escape for as long as the shackle abides.
The chance that this will occur varies:
Chance    Requirement
20%      - If you have broken your vigil and fled the scene of their incarceration.
60%      - If you stand present and command a corporeal form.
80%      - If your foe suffers from six or more afflictions and you stand before them whole.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =


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