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{{SkillTableRow |Vinculum |Inept |0 |Anchor your soul against the infernal realm. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Vinculum |Inept |0 |Anchor your soul against the infernal realm. }}
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{{SkillTableRow |Immurement |Transcendent |0 |Trap them within Perdition. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Immurement |Transcendent |0 |Trap them within Perdition. }}
|skill = Vinculum
|description = Anchor your soul against the infernal realm
|detail = Before dealing with Perdition, you must first ensure your own soul's safety against the
hellfires of that infernal realm. This ability will create a strong anchor upon your soul, binding
it to Prime to ensure it is not consumed when acting as a conduit to Perdition.
This defence will also provide a measure of resistance against fire damage for as long as it is
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Wither
|description = Consume an object in hellfire
|syntax = INVOKE WITHER <item>
|detail = Call forth the hellfires of Perdition to incinerate an item, leaving naught behind.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Torment
|description = Scourge them with Perdition's fire
|syntax = INVOKE TORMENT <target>
|detail = Bring forth the torturous fires of Perdition to scourge your victim, setting them ablaze
and dealing a small amount of fire damage. It will pass through any protective barriers they might
This ability cannot be used off-balance in tandem with Delirium against denizens.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Distill
|description = Break out the hard stuff
|syntax = INVOKE DISTILL <liquid>
|detail = Sacrifice a soul trapped within Perdition, distilling its essence to turn a mundane
liquid into a gut-wrenching round of alcoholic soulfire.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Terrify
|description = The living shall flee
|syntax = INVOKE TERRIFY <target>
|detail = Even a hint of the suffering embodied by those trapped within Perdition is enough to
terrify the weak. The weakest of living creatures will not be able to handle the harrowing insight
and will die upon the spot as their heart seizes from fright. Otherwise, they will be inflicted
with fear.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Suffering
|description = Determine how much they suffer
|syntax = INVOKE SUFFERING <target>
|detail = Determine the suffering inflicted upon your target by viewing the intensity of the flames
engulfing them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Prolong
|description = Don't let them bleed out on you
|syntax = INVOKE PROLONG <target>
|detail = Sometimes someone might be dying too quickly for your taste. In these situations, you can
prolong their suffering by using hellfires to cauterise their wounds, reducing their bleeding. Ever
resourceful, you can also turn this ability upon yourself to reduce your own bleeding.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Smoulder
|description = The Earth is willing, while the flesh is weak
|detail = Press your inescapable hellfire into the earth below to scourge those that attempt to
hide from you, forcing them to the surface if capable.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Impressment
|description = They will do anything to free themselves from torture
|detail = Bring forth a leashed soul from Perdition which can attack and deal fire damage to your
opponent. You must have a piece of rope in your inventory in order to do this.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Hood
|description = Don the outfit of an executioner
|syntax = INVOKE HOOD
|detail = Surround yourself with the fires of Perdition, creating a truly terrifying visage that
will prevent others from discerning your true features or the things you wear.
The Hypersight skill will allow you to see past it. Please see AB VISION HYPERSIGHT for more
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Begrudge
|description = Bolster any sign of weakness in your allies
|syntax = INVOKE BEGRUDGE <target>
|detail = Though it may pain you to do so, you can reluctantly fortify the weakness of your allies
by drawing forth a tortured soul from Perdition and expending its energy to heal them.
This will slowly bounce between allies in the same location, healing them for a small amount of
health. The last person struck is healed of an affliction as well. It can only bounce up to five
times, at which point it will dissipate.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Ruthlessness
|description = You are an unrelenting force of terror
|detail = Hone your ruthlessness by momentarily allowing yourself to suffer the fires of Perdition
and realise that no other pain can compare. This will increase your resistance against cutting and
blunt damage.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ravage
|description = They will suffer under your every blow
|detail = For a short period, every blow from your fists will carry with it the flames of Perdition,
setting your victims ablaze. It will last for a limited amount of time and can be activated
without cost to your equilibrium or balance.
Ravage will work with the following abilities:
Bully, Clobber, Plexus, Haymaker, and Fisticuffs (Punch).
|cooldown = 80 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Denial
|description = Let no weapon deter your work
|detail = Inflicting torment can often be hindered by those that would strike you down. Let none
deter your work by forming an aura of rebounding around you from the flames of Perdition,
deflecting weapon attacks directed at you until destroyed or you make an agressive action.
A pending aura of rebounding from smoking a pipe will be cancelled if this ability is used
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Intensify
|description = Heighten their anguish
|syntax = INVOKE INTENSIFY <target>
|detail = Bring their anguish to new heights by instantly increasing the intensity of the flames
torturing them by three levels.
You can check AFFLICT ABLAZE for more information on flame intensity.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Infuse
|description = Empower your hook with a soul
|syntax = INVOKE INFUSE <hook>
|detail = Requires a hook.
Draw forth a tortured soul from Perdition and give it new purpose by infusing its energy within
your hook. This will grant you some resistance against non-physical damage while the hook is worn.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Bedevil
|description = A fresh perspective to their pain
|syntax = INVOKE BEDEVIL <target> [REVERSE]
|detail = Ensure your victim does not grow so used to their torment that it becomes ineffective, by
shifting the trauma suffered upon their limbs in a clockwise direction, giving them a new
perspective on the pain. This ability only affects the arms and legs.
For example, it will move a broken left arm to the right arm, and a broken right arm to the right
leg. You may choose to do this anti-clockwise by using the reverse keyword.
|cooldown = 20 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Impenetrable
|description = Turn away projectiles
|detail = Surround yourself in a palpable aura of malice that will repel any projectiles aimed
towards you, causing them to drop uselessly to the ground. There is another chance you will deflect
them entirely, returning the arrow from whence it came.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Lancing
|description = Their torture will not abate
|syntax = INVOKE LANCE <target>
|detail = While your victim is aflame, you can invoke a spear of shadowy flame to lance them
through. This dark spear of heat will ensure their suffering cannot abate, preventing their flames
from being cured until the heatspear is.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Criticality
|description = Your own pain is refreshing
|detail = Deepen your understanding of pain to further your art of inflicting suffering upon others.
Where others would falter when their pain reaches a critical threshold, you will instead feel
refreshed, your wounds healing.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Branding
|description = Leave the fiery brand of the Infernal upon them
|syntax = INVOKE BRANDING <target>
|detail = If your victim is suffering from a broken torso, you can brand the seal of the Infernal
upon their ravaged body which will occasionally burst into flames and set them on fire.
If you should fully damage and break any body part of your opponent while they are under the
effects of the Seal, then a deadly shroud of flame will begin to form around them. When they move
between locations the shroud will flare up and burn them, setting them ablaze and dealing fire
damage. Additionally, if they try to form a magical shield, then the fiery shroud around them will
burn it down and remove it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Delirium
|description = Do for Perdition, and Perdition will do for you
|detail = Surrender your physical form to the unforgiving intensity of Perdition as it slowly
builds within your mortal coil, threatening to turn your body to ash. As you teeter on the brink of
overwhelming hellfire, certain abilities will no longer require balance.
This state can be reached sooner by moving between locations, as long as it isn't the direction you
just came from and you do not have more than one curable affliction.
Once you have reached delirium, the following abilities will no longer require balance:
Vinculum, Torment, Prolong, Lancing, Branding, Intensify, Hellfire.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Shear
|description = Share their affliction with another
|syntax = INVOKE SHEAR <target>
|detail = Cut away an affliction your victim suffers from and form it into a skein of sheared
psyche so that you may share it with another. You can then THROW the skein at someone to inflict
another with the affliction you just removed, which will be masked in the process.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Extinguish
|description = Snuff out their life
|syntax = INVOKE EXTINGUISH <target>
|detail = When your victim's suffering has reached a critical peak, you can extinguish their life
in a final moment of excruciating torment. In order for this to succeed, the target must be ablaze
and possess at least twelve stacks of intensity.
You can check AFFLICT ABLAZE for more information on flame intensity.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Bedlam
|description = Bring the realm of Perdition closer
|detail = Bring your location and Perdition closer together, allowing the torturous realm to be
felt by any who enter the room. This will lower their maximum health, mana, and limb health by half
so long as they remain. The effect can broken by anyone at anytime by invoking the Kalsu word
'vontovo' aloud.
This ability does not alter your current health and mana, only the maximum values.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Hellfire
|description = Suffering follows you
|detail = This powerful feat will continually cause hellfire to spew forth from the realm of
Perdition and scour your enemies. This effect will follow you as you move.
If the legs of your enemies are crippled, then the flames will unbalance and knock them over. If
they are shielded, then it will destroy the shield under the heat.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Contest
|description = A ring of fire with no escape
|syntax = INVOKE CONTEST <target>
|detail = Encircle your target and yourself within a ring of inescapable flame, trapping the both
of you until one or the other is dead. In order for this effect to become binding, the challenged
must AGREE to the terms, otherwise little will come of it.
Both parties must have near full health in order to invoke and agree to the terms.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Immurement
|description = Trap them within Perdition
|detail = Yawn open a rift to the realm of Perdition, trapping those that would strike others in
its location.
Opening the rift will require an act of concentration for you, during which any actions will cause
the attempt to fail. Once complete, all those within your location that have committed an act of
violence within the last minute will be drawn into the infernal realm of Perdition where they will
be trapped until they find a way to escape.
Keep in mind that opening this rift to Perdition is an aggressive action in and of itself, and will
draw you into its hellish environment yourself.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =


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