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  • | name = The Pash Valley | env = Valley
    929 bytes (135 words) - 04:25, 18 August 2016
  • ==Connected areas== * [[Pash Valley|The Pash Valley]]
    728 bytes (95 words) - 04:32, 18 August 2016
  • ...per into the ground until they created a hive that weaves beneath the Pash Valley. ==Connected areas==
    1 KB (160 words) - 03:37, 18 August 2016
  • |name=The Valley of Lodi The [[Lodi|Valley of Lodi]] is a special place that exists only for those under level 21. It
    886 bytes (148 words) - 03:08, 18 August 2016
  • leading under the western peaks and through to the [[Dun Valley]] on the other side. The area is home to many can find the villages of [[Kornar]] and [[Vilimo Fields|Vilimo]]. The areas of the [[Torturer's Caverns]] and the [[Lich Gardens]] are close by as well
    850 bytes (142 words) - 16:03, 14 July 2020
  • ...hen you hunt them. Depending on your class, you may end up hunting in some areas earlier than is suggested here. | [[Dun Valley]] || All except Tolonar, Aurelia, and the Ogre Baron.
    12 KB (1,842 words) - 14:00, 15 November 2020