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Revision as of 13:53, 7 July 2010

Melee Weapons


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel longsword:      110     165     165    400 credits
  Venantium longsword:        115     173     173    800 credits
  Midnight Blade:             120     180     180    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel scimitar:       104     159     174    400 credits
  Venantium scimitar:         109     167     182    800 credits
  a Crimson Crescent:         114     174     189    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel broadsword:     123     149     165    400 credits
  Venantium broadsword:       129     156     173    800 credits
  Wrath Reaver:               134     163     180    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel rapier:         70      158     209    400 credits
  Venantium rapier:           74      167     219    800 credits
  Soulsting Rapier:           78      176     230    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel battleaxe:      175     130     130    400 credits
  Venantium battleaxe:        184     137     137    800 credits
  Skullcleaver:               190     144     144    1600 credits

Bastard swords:

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel bastard sword:  186     165     136    400 credits
  Venantium bastard sword:    194     173     142    800 credits
  Grim Impaler:               203     180     149    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel warhammer:      175     175     164    350 credits
  Venantium warhammer:        183     181     169    700 credits
  Soulforge Hammer:           191     188     176    1400 credits

Throwing axes:

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel throwing axe:   96      198     187    350 credits
  Venantium throwing axe:     101     207     196    700 credits
  Truestrike Axe:             106     216     206    1400 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel spear:          112     200     162    300 credits
  Venantium spear:            116     209     170    600 credits
  Beast Pike:                 121     219     177    1200 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel trident:        115     194     162    300 credits
  Venantium trident:          119     203     170    600 credits
  Hunter's Talon:             124     213     177    1200 credits

Maces (these particular maces can only be used if you have Spirituality)

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed steel mace:           165    190      160    400 credits
  Venantium mace:             173    200      170    800 credits
  Hellsmite Mace:             180    210      180    1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed whip:                 87     201      186    350 credits
  Venantium whip:             93     210      194    700 credits
  Dire Lasher:                99     218      201    1400 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed bardiche:             210    165      114    350 credits
  Venantium bardiche:         219    173      122    700 credits
  Bonerend bardiche:          228    180      129    1400 credits

Stone Clubs (These can only be used by Terramancers)

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Runed club:                 175    187      158    400 credits
  Venantium spiked club:      183    197      168    800 credits
  The Underking's Fist:       193    207      175   1600 credits


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  a runed steel javelin:      257     148     81     400 credits
  a venantium javelin:        269     155     85     800 credits
  a Radiant Impaler:          281     162     89     1600 credits

Scythe (These can only be used by those with Hematurgy.)

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  a runed steel scythe        146     156     130    400 credits
  a venantium scythe          152     162     135    800 credits
  a Dread Reaper              158     168     140    1600 credits
  - Please note that these are the base stats. After purchasing
    the scythe, you can perform the 'thirst scythe' ritual, which
    will increase the stats of the weapon by up to 12 points,
    based on your skillrank in Hematurgy.


                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  a runed steel dagger        56      125     160    200 credits
  a venatium dagger           61      131     168    400 credits
  a Death's Kiss              66      137     176    800 credits

Dirks (These will increase the speed of dstab, which is not dependent on weapon stats. They can also be used as 'jab' weapons, to quickly deliver venoms, by anyone with the dirk proficiency. Stats do matter for the purpose of 'jab'.)

                             Damage  To-hit  Speed   Cost
  Dirk of the viper:             350 credits (8% faster for dstab)
                               91    150      205
  Shiny dirk of the viper:       700 credits (15% faster for dstab)
                               95    176      214
  Celestine dirk of the viper:   1400 credits (23% faster for dstab)
                              100    203      226

Special Weapons

Bows (these shoot more quickly, do more damage, and hit more easily than a darkbow. The damage and to-hit percentages aren't possible to give because they are only one factor in how well you hit and how much damage you do, but the bows are more accurate and do more damage as they increase in price. Note that these bows will let those who don't have archery skills shoot. They will NOT give skills such as aim or snipe)

  Bows of the Hunt:        350 credits    (7% faster)
             Damage: 42     To hit: 70
  Darkbow of the Hunt:     700 credits    (14% faster)
             Damage: 44     To hit: 72
  Lupine Bow of the Hunt:  1400 credits    (21.5% faster)
             Damage: 47     To hit: 73

Upgrades for weapons

The following upgrades can be added to a weapon

 Asp: 750 credits
   - Poisons someone if there is no venom on the blade with a random poison.
    1/3 chance they will get a unknown poison effect on each hit (like Loki)
 Leech: 750 credits
   - Returns 5% of the damage caused back to the attacker.
 Serration: 500 credits
   - 1/3 chance of doing 3x your normal bleeding amount.
 Cutting_power: 500 credits
   - Adds 5% cutting damage to your target.
 Blunt_power: 500 credits
   - Adds 5% blunt damage to your target.
 Targeted_power: 500 credits
   - Adds 5% bodypart damage to your targeted attacks with a blunt weapon.
 Absorb_sunlight: 100 credits / 200 credits / 400 credits
   - Increases the amount of sunlight a druidic staff can hold by 15% at
     level 1, 25% at level 2, and 50% at level 3.