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#REDIRECT [[Druids]]
Perceive            Determine if a forest area is a Druidic grove.
Imprint            Choose a forest location as your Druidic grove.
Sever              Erase your imprint permanently from your grove.
Energy              Determine how much sunlight your grove has stored.
Who                Sense who is in the forest.
Status              Discover information on the status of your grove.
Look                See through the eyes of a forest into a distant location.
Shake              Send a tremor throughout your grove.
Elevate            Ascend into the treetops.
Watch              Command your grove to report certain activity within it.
Cease              Cease using skills in your grove.
Eject              Toss all but yourself out of your grove.
Cage                Command the branches of your grove to seal it closed.
Return              Return instantly to your grove from anywhere in the forest.
Whisper            Communicate through the trees.
Eyes                Locate everyone in the forest.
Forestwatch        Know all entry and exit from the forest.
Seal                Prevent night-time draining sunlight from your grove.
Tend                Lovingly caring for your grove.
Vigour              Absorb energy from your grove directly into your body.
Screen              Raise a screen against telepathy within your grove.
Roots              Secure yourself to the ground with tree roots.
Preservation        For one year, shield your grove from damage.
Quarterstaff        Summon a Druidic quarterstaff from your grove.
Calling            Call your loyal creatures back to your grove.
Thorns              Give life to the surrounding undergrowth to harm your foes.
Track              Constantly track the movement of anyone in the forest.
Portal              Open a portal to your grove for anyone in the forest.
Entangle            Command your grove to bind your enemies.
Summon              After a time, bring anyone in the forest to your grove.
Flow                Slip instantly from your grove to anyone in the forest.
Cure                Cure someone of an affliction.
Isolation          Send everyone in your room to the Grove of Isolation
Channel            Transfer energy to another Druid's grove.
Trap                Form a cage of branches around anyone in the forest.
Join                Lend support to another Druid in his grove.
Rain                Conjuring a magical shower of rejuvenating rain.
Fertility          Speed herb growth throughout the forest.
Exorcise            Drive entities of Chaos from your Grove.
Lightning          During a storm, strike at your foe from the heavens.
Concealment        Hide all those within your grove from prying eyes.
Flash              Send a flash of revealing light about your grove.
Sharing            Granting the use of your grove to your allies.
Gate                Open a gateway of light.
Hive                Create a hive of stinging bees to defend your Grove.
Rejuvenate          Restore an exterminated room to its natural state.
Charging            Store sunlight energy in your quarterstaff for later use.
Displacement        Swap places with a target in the forest.
Hinder              Call upon the forest to impede the progress of a foe.
Barrier            Tap into the earth magic to enable a magical defence.
Canopy              Thicken the canopies of your grove.
Forestbinding      Prevent all entry and exit from the forest.
Resurrection        Restore a friend to life.
Annihilation        Destroy everything in your grove in one fatal blast.
Hypercure          Constant healing of afflictions.
Portability        The ultimate expression of the bond with your Grove.
Creation            Call upon nature from anywhere.
Sunlight            Allowing the sun to pass through all barriers. (Can only be used by completing the cure Scidve quest)
Squirrel            A cute, bushy-tailed woodland creature.
Powers              Lists the powers you possess when morphed into a creature.
Wildcat            A small untamed feline. Alert and perceptive.
Duck                The common waterfowl.
Wolf                The wary white wolf.
Jackdaw            The black jackdaw.
Cheetah            A creature quick of eye and fleet of foot.
Owl                The wise bird of prey.
Hyena              A vicious, stealthy creature with a chilling howl.
Condor              The swift and mighty bird of prey.
Gopher              A cute, burrowing animal.
Sloth              A slow, ponderous creature.
Basilisk            The silent, magical beast of lore.
Bear                The mighty grizzly bear.
Bonding            Increased rapport with the animal spirits.
Swordfish          Dashing swashbuckler of the oceans.
Nightingale        A delicate, beautiful bird with an exquisite song.
Elephant            Largest of the land mammals.
Transmorph          The ability to morph from form to form.
Wolverine          Pound for pound, one of the most vicious animals.
Jaguar              A powerful, quick, and stealthy beast.
Eagle              The king of all flighted birds.
Gorilla            An agile yet powerful primate.
Icewyrm            A mythical creature of awesome, magical power.
Affinity            Obtaining a greater affinity with an animal spirit.
Wyvern              The cousin of dragons themselves.
TrueMorph          Instantaneous metamorphosis.
Fettlestone        A stone imbued with healing properties.
Fulgorwhip          A whip of fulgent lightning.
Aesthesis          Preserve the natural state of the senses.
Vine                Bind your wielded weapons in vines.
Cold                Protection against the cold.
Gills              Breathe while swimming beneath the waves.
Holdfast            Anchor items to the ground.
Electric            Protection against electrical attacks.
Firewall            Conjure a wall of fire.
Bijou              A trinket woven through with life energies.
Ore                Protect your property.
Flame              Exploding arrows of fire.
Firefly            Reveal that which is hidden from you.
Spiritbulb          A natural reservoir of Devotional energy.
Augment            Fortify the power of weapons and armor.
Meteor              Turn arrows into flaming meteors.
Magic              Resistance against all forms of magic.
Thorn              Pierce the elemental channels.
Icewall            Conjure a wall of ice.
Spore              Foment rapid destruction.
Geyser              The trenchant Geyser of Slyphe.
Obfuscation        The concealing orb of obfuscation.
Fire                Protection against the flame.
Lure                A scented lure to attract falcons.
Icecave            Create a tiny cave of ice within a container.
Totem              A conjuration to bind two places together.
Root                Protection against magical travel.
Hyoscine            Sleep without a care in the world.
Umbra              Protection against the influence of the stars.
Void                Make void your afflictions - and defenses.
Snail              Slow time to a snail's pace.
Dew                Dampen the effects of crystal vibrations.
Sachet              Calm your senses in meditation.
Decomposition      Degrade the health of your adversaries.
Petrification      Petrify objects placed within the satchel.
Prism              Mitigate the forces of the Chaos Plane.
Cleansing          An amulet of cleansing.
Perception          An amulet imbuing an understanding of all tongues. (no longer used)


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