Desiccation (skill)

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The Teradrim exert their will on the land, draining it of moisture, energy, and life. This is the art of Desiccation, the magic of the Earthen. Desiccation revolves around creating regions of sand which empower the Teradrim's abilities. At higher levels of skill, this can be manipulated into a great sandstorm which substantially empowers the Teradrim's offense.


Skill Rank Percent Description
Scour Inept 0% Cleanse your body with fine sand.
Flood Novice 0% Send forth sand to cover your surroundings.
Sandwalk Novice 50% Move with ease through any desert obstacles.
Surge Apprentice 0% Send a wave of sand to engulf an adjacent room.
Trap Apprentice 50% Hinder their movement within the sands.
Presences Capable 33% Detect those who tread upon your sand.
Regeneration Capable 50% The flow of sand soothes your body and mind.
Ruminate Capable 75% Let the sand strengthen your will.
Sandstorm Adept 0% Generate a sandstorm as you move through sand.
Concealment Adept 66% Mask your presence when standing within sand.
Desiccate Skilled 0% Purge the taint of Dendara from the land.
Shift Skilled 66% Travel through the sands to any in your domain.
Disturbances Skilled 66% Attune your mind to the disturbances within your domain.
Blast Gifted 33% Release a blast of sand across the desert.
Simoon Gifted 66% Send your sandstorm to track a foe.
Distort Expert 0% Whirl the sands around you to mask all scents.
Shield Expert 33% Coalesce sand into a glass barrier.
Swelter Expert 66% Call upon the desert to heat your sands.
Confound Virtuoso 25% Invoke the desert's curse of misdirection.
Projection Virtuoso 50% Send sand beyond your location.
Wave Virtuoso 75% Send your target away on a wave of sand.
Instability Fabled 0% Shift your desert to hamper movement.
Spikes Fabled 25% Create spikes of sand for enemies to step upon.
Harshen Fabled 50% Your sandstorm is particularly brutal against the weak.
Desert Fabled 75% Release a magical wave of sand in all directions.
Whirl Mythical 0% Whirl your sand into the storm.
Meld Mythical 66% Wrap yourself in sand to protect yourself.
Pillar Transcendent 0% Erect a sand pillar to extend your power.
Whip Capable 0% Lash your foe with the earth's taint.
Scourge Adept 33% Send a jet of sand to crush their limbs.
Slice Skilled 33% Slice through defenses with a blade of sand.
Shred Gifted 0% Lacerate your foe with a jet of sand.
Curse Virtuoso 0% Grant your foe the curse of the sands.
Quicksand Mythical 33% Cause the petrified to sink in your presence.
Description: Scour yourself with procured sand, cleansing away any foul smells, wet skin, and curing yourself of

the slickness affliction if you have it. There is a short cooldown before you may use this ability again.

Description: SAND RELEASE [HERE]
       SAND LIST

Summon forth a layer of dry desert sand in your location, allowing you to make full use of your many abilities that require it. Each location that you layer in sand will require a constant upkeep of willpower in order to maintain and prevent blowing away.

Releasing your sand will disperse any remote sands you control, except for any in your current room.

SAND RELEASE HERE will disperse only the sand in your room.

Syntax: SAND WALK <direction>
Description: If both your current and an adjacent location are covered in summoned sand, you may move between

them, destroying any walls that may be in your path.

Syntax: SAND SURGE <direction>
Description: So long as you stand upon sand that you have summoned, you may spread it in a adjacent location of

your choice. Any barriers such as walls or doors will prevent you from spreading forth your sand.

Syntax: SAND TRAP <target>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Cause your opponent to sink slightly into the ground, delaying their movement. This will last until they either leave the location or the effect expires. There is a short cooldown before this ability may be used again.

Description: See all those who currently stand within your sand domain, including their location.

Syntax: This ability is passive.
Description: You will regenerate a small portion of both endurance and willpower while standing in a location

with your sand.

Description: In a state much like meditation, this ability draws on the powers of of your sand to restore

willpower in great amounts. The amount of willpower restored will increase significantly as the process continues.

Description: By standing within a location with summoned sand, you may stir it into the skies around you

generating one of the main tools of the Teradrim; the sand storm. The sand storm will follow you should you move.

Once summoned, the storm will periodically deal bleeding damage to your enemies, depending on the strength of the storm. The storm will increase by one level every four seconds you stand upon summoned sand. If you are not standing upon sand, the time is doubled instead.

There are five levels of sandstorm - once your sandstorm is at its maximum strength, you may use a number of sand abilities (marked with *) free of equilibrium. However, this will reduce the sandstorm by two levels to do so.

Slice is an exception to this rule, and may be used at moderate or higher for no equilibrium cost providing your target is in the same location as you.


scarce light moderate severe massive

To do this, append 'storm' to the end of the command for your attack. e.g. SAND WHIP <target> STORM.

You can also optionally include a storm level, to prevent the ability form being cast if your 

sandstorm isn't at that level. e.g. SAND SLICE <target> MASSIVE.

Description: While in a location with dry sand, your movement will be masked to any but allies.

Description: If there is any unnatural overgrowth in your location, you may cause it to rapidly wither away. If

a Shaman resides in your location, then there will be a slight delay before the plant life is destroyed.

Syntax: SAND SHIFT <target>
Description: Providing you have summoned sand of your own make within your location and your target's location,

you may swap locations with them.

Description: At a significant drain to your willpower, track all movement in and adjacent to your sand domain.

Description: Shred the skin of enemies within the local area who stands within magically summoned sand. This

will deal damage and cause some bleeding.

Syntax: SAND SIMOON <target>
Description: Lift your summoned sand within the location into your sandstorm and send it slowly towards a target

in the form of a simoon. This will spread sand in each room along its path, until it meets the target or is unable to continue.

The simoon may travel four rooms for every level of strength your sandstorm possesses.

Description: While this defence is active upon your summoned sand, none within the room may be tracked by the

Scent (racial) or Track (Lycanthropy) abilities.

Syntax: SAND SHIELD <target>
Description: With a flick of your wrist, you may form a glass barrier that functions as a shield upon your


Description: At a modest willpower drain, you can heat the sands in your room with the strength of the desert,

causing hidden mental afflictions to enemies within.

Possible afflictions include: Dizziness, anorexia, vertigo, or weariness.

Description: By infusing your summoned sand with a powerful mirage, you can obscure the exits around you making

it difficult to see a way out.

Description: You are now able to control your sands remotely, allowing you to use a number of abilities on

adjacent targets if there is magically summoned sand in both your locations.

These abilities include: Trap, Whip, Scourge, Slice, Shred, and Curse.

Syntax: SAND WAVE <target>
Description: By summoning a powerful wave of sand, you can expel your target from your location regardless of

the mass defence. This will consume the summoned sand in your room.

Description: You may cause the sands in your area to become soft and giving, reducing the celerity of enemies

and preventing the use of dashing or sprinting.

Description: Covers your sandy room in hard spikes, causing foes who lack the levitation defence to take damage

and bleeding upon movement or when falling down.

Syntax: This ability is passive.
Description: Your sandstorm is now merciless against battered foes - enemies who are prone will take double

damage from the storm's fury.

Description: In one grand gesture, you can not only flood your room with sand, but adjacent rooms that are

unobstructed as well.

Description: In a quick motion, you can pull the sand around you up into your sandstorm, removing the sand flood

from your location but empowering your sandstorm instantly to a severe level. If your sandstorm is already severe or massive, the sand will have no effect.

Description: You can surround yourself in a powerful barrier of sand, consuming the sand within your location

but rendering you immune to most forms of attack.

Description: By forming a pillar of sand, you can greatly extend the range of your abilities, allowing you to

use any sand ability that may be used in tandem with Projection on any target within your local area who stands within summoned sand.

You may only summon one pillar at a time, and only one pillar may be summoned in a given room. Leaving the room will shatter the pillar.

Syntax: SAND WHIP <target>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Strike your target with a whip of sand, causing one of the afflictions below: Recklessness, dizziness, sensitivity, epilepsy, or stupidity.

Syntax: SAND SCOURGE <target>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Utilising your sand, you can flick it at one of your opponent's limbs at random and quickly cripple it into an unusable state.

Syntax: SAND SLICE <target>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Funnelling your power through nearby dry sand, you may slice a target with a blade of living sand. This will shred the rebounding defence first, then shield, then cloak, then a random defence.

Syntax: SAND SHRED <target> <body part>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Shred your target with a powerful blast of sand, causing damage to a limb of choice.

You may choose from the head, torso, or either arm/leg.

Syntax: SAND CURSE <target>
Description: Requires you to be standing within a location with dry sand.

Plague your foe with the curse of sand, causing salves to become ineffective. The affliction will fade naturally after a number of seconds if not cured normally.

Syntax: SAND QUICKSAND <target>
Description: If your target is prone, you can surround them with a sinking quicksand. Their levitation will be

stripped, and they will be unable to put the levitation back up until a short time has passed, or they move to a location without sand.