Shaman (class)

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Starting CityDuiran
Attacksmagic - eq - int

Class Overview

As seers and spiritwalkers of Dendara, Shamans combine Primality, Shamanism, and Naturalism to call upon the Rhythm itself in battle, invoking primal fear in their opponents and sacrificing their very bodies to nature through SkillIcon.png[Reclamation].

Through Primality, Shamans communicate with the primal energy in the natural world, using it in great feats of magic like summoning bursts of lightning, monumental storms of wind, and even commanding nature to such an extent that they may lash their foes with venomous vines and leave their battered bodies to be reclaimed by the Cycle itself.

Shamanism allows Shamans to swear blood SkillIcon.png[Oaths] to the guardian spirits of Dendara, allowing them to summon their familiar to fight alongside them. A Shaman is also armed with a number of rituals, from simple bone casting to track their foe's actions, to adorning protective masks of bone, to casting ill fate upon their victim through ominous premonitions and even omens of death. Alongside this, a Shaman learns of the various crafted fetishes they may string upon their staff, and how each fetish is more than a mere symbol.

The service of a Shaman as a guardian of Nature is manifest directly in the skill of Naturalism. Through this skill, Shamans learn to retain a room of their choice in the form of a grove - a location where they are a master of their surroundings. Through their SkillIcon.png[Overgrowth], a Shaman may pull their enemies from where they stand, animate the plantlife around them into a savage weapon, generate impassable barriers of vines and thorns and even invigorate all allies who stand within their domain.

Preferred Stats

  • Intelligence - Intelligence increases the damage of Primality attacks.
  • Dexterity/Constitution - Dexterity allows you to dodge more often if you have learned Avoidance, and Constitution increases your maximum health and endurance, making you tankier.


Preferred statpacks for Shamans are:

  • Normal - A good leveling statpack, this provides a 10% xp bonus as well as willpower regeneration, with no negative effects.
  • Wise - With high base intelligence and a bonus to willpower regeneration, this statpack provides you with good damage and no negative effects.
  • Intelligent - Similar to wise, Intelligent also provides you with high damage and higher constitution, but with the drawback of -10% cutting audit.

Recommended Armaments

This list is meant to include things that might not appear painfully obvious. Things like vials, pipes and herbs would fall under that heading.

  1. Ringmail - Ringmail is the recommended armor Shamans can use.
  2. The eclipse medallion - Negates the effects of the stars on the person wearing it. These effects are often beneficial in some way, so it's recommended that you remove it each month, to see if you actually want to be under their effects. Alternatively, a starchart relic may be used to choose which star you want to be affecting you.
  3. A necklace of purity - Has a chance to randomly remove one venom affliction from the person wearing it.
  4. Resistance rings - Increases the resistance of the person wearing it to their specific element by 10%. Available resistances are electric, fire, magic and cold.
  5. A piece of jewelry enchanted with Allsight - To see while blind and hear while deaf, two common afflictions often encountered while hunting. This frees up a tattoo slot.
  6. A fist sigil - this sigil, when attached to your quarterstaff, will prevent it from being knocked out of your grasp easily.
  7. SkillIcon.png[Fetishes] - Shamans learned in Shamanism can string various fetishes on their staves to gain a variety of useful effects. A recommended set for hunting is horn, bark and tooth.
  8. SkillIcon.png[Spiritmask] - using the bones, horns and other such body parts of their fallen prey, Shamans can create different spiritmasks. When worn, these masks will provide the Shaman with a boost to their resistance, depending on the mask.

Recommended Tattoos

Tattoos in Aetolia have various effects. Any novice can wear up to six at any one time. The following is a list of tattoos recommended for the Shaman class:

  1. Boar - passively restores health.
  2. Moss - passively clots bleeding.
  3. Owl - passively restores willpower.
  4. Shield - surrounds you with a magical shield that prevents damage.
  5. Cloak - prevents you from being summoned with the brazier tattoo.
  6. Tree - cures 1 random affliction when touched.

Additional recommendations are:

  1. Book - for hunting, increases experience gain.
  2. Crystal - restores health to 100% on a 15 minute cooldown.
  3. Starburst - Lets you revive from a death.
  4. Moon - passively restores mana.

Note: The Mindseye tattoo is NOT recommended, as the Allsight enchantment can do the same thing.

Enorian Duiran Bloodloch Spinesreach Neutral*
AkkariIcon.png[Akkari] TemplarIcon.png[Templar] MonkIcon.png[Monk]* ShamanIcon.png[Shaman] BloodbornIcon.png[Bloodborn] PraenomenIcon.png[Praenomen] AlchemistIcon.png[Alchemist] InfiltratorIcon.png[Infiltrator]* BardIcon.png[Bard]
AscendrilIcon.png[Ascendril] TidesageIcon.png[Tidesage] OneiromancerIcon.png[Oneiromancer] VoidseerIcon.png[Voidseer] CarnifexIcon.png[Carnifex] RavagerIcon.png[Ravager] ArchivistIcon.png[Archivist] RevenantIcon.png[Revenant] PredatorIcon.png[Predator]
LuminaryIcon.png[Luminary] ZealotIcon.png[Zealot] RunecarverIcon.png[Runecarver] WardenIcon.png[Warden] EarthcallerIcon.png[Earthcaller] TeradrimIcon.png[Teradrim] ExecutorIcon.png[Executor] SciomancerIcon.png[Sciomancer] ShapeshifterIcon.png[Shapeshifter]
SentinelIcon.png[Sentinel] IndoraniIcon.png[Indorani] WayfarerIcon.png[Wayfarer]
* is tether-neutral