Difference between revisions of "Shapeshifting (skill)"

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{{SkillTableRow |Flight |Capable |75 |# Take to the skies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Flight |Capable |75 |# Take to the skies. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stampede |Capable |75 |## Break their bones beneath your hooves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stampede |Capable |75 |## Break their bones beneath your hooves. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stealth |Capable |75 |T### read with paws silent as the stars. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Stealth |Capable |75 |### Tread with paws silent as the stars. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Resting |Capable |75 |#### Indulge in brief hibernation. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Resting |Capable |75 |#### Indulge in brief hibernation. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Submerge |Capable |75 |##### Lurk in the watery depths for your prey. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Submerge |Capable |75 |##### Lurk in the watery depths for your prey. }}
Line 62: Line 62:

|skillname = Shapeshift
|skill = Shapeshift
|description = Mutate into the form of a Lycanthrope
|syntax = MUTATE and REVERT        MADNESS        DESCRIBE MUTATED SELF <description>
|syntax = MUTATE and REVERT        MADNESS        DESCRIBE MUTATED SELF <description>
|description = By releasing hold of your rational mind, you may allow your feral self to take hold,  
|detail = By releasing hold of your rational mind, you may allow your feral self to take hold,  
mutating you into a Shapeshifter.
mutating you into a Shapeshifter.

Line 73: Line 74:
You can also set a description of your mutated self that will be separate from your usual  
You can also set a description of your mutated self that will be separate from your usual  
description, showing only to others while mutated.
description, showing only to others while mutated.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Pelts
|skill = Pelts
|description = Select the color of your pelt
|syntax = GROW <colour> PELT
|syntax = GROW <colour> PELT
|description = The pelt of a shapeshifter is now an attribute that you have control over. Each  
|detail = The pelt of a shapeshifter is now an attribute that you have control over. Each Spring,  
Spring, you can choose to grow a new fur or hide of your choosing. Use GROW alone to see the  
you can choose to grow a new fur or hide of your choosing. Use GROW alone to see the possible
possible choices for your shapeshifter type.
choices for your shapeshifter type.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Carrion
|skill = Carrion
|description = Eat the fallen pieces of your prey
|syntax = EAT <corpse>
|syntax = EAT <corpse>
|description = Satisfy your animalistic hunger with the corpses of your fallen victims.
|detail = Satisfy your animalistic hunger with the corpses of your fallen victims.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Nightsight
|skill = Nightsight
|description = See your prey in darkest night
|syntax = NIGHTSIGHT
|syntax = NIGHTSIGHT
|description = Let your eyes adjust for darkness before hunting your prey.
|detail = Let your eyes adjust for darkness before hunting your prey.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Weathering
|skill = Weathering
|description = Enhanced protection from the elements
|syntax = WEATHERING
|syntax = WEATHERING
|description = Steel yourself against the ravages of the weather, providing some resistance against  
|detail = Steel yourself against the ravages of the weather, providing some resistance against cold
cold damage and light protection against the temperature.
damage and light protection against the temperature.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Dash
|skill = Dash
|description = Run with the wind behind you
|syntax = DASH <direction>
|syntax = DASH <direction>
|description = Use your powerful legs to quickly dash in a particular direction, allowing you to  
|detail = Use your powerful legs to quickly dash in a particular direction, allowing you to move
move through multiple rooms at once.
through multiple rooms at once.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Leaping
|skill = Leaping
|description = No obstacle may block your hunt
|syntax = LEAP <direction>
|syntax = LEAP <direction>
|description = With your abnormal strength, you can leap over obstructions that would otherwise  
|detail = With your abnormal strength, you can leap over obstructions that would otherwise block
block your way.
your way.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Bodyheat
|skill = Bodyheat
|description = Grow a heavy winter coat
|syntax = BODYHEAT
|syntax = BODYHEAT
|description = Your powerful biology provides for a persistant defence against attacks that would  
|detail = Your powerful biology provides for a persistant defence against attacks that would  
otherwise freeze or chill you.
otherwise freeze or chill you.

Cooldown (on proc): 20 seconds
Cooldown (on proc): 20 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Swipe
|skill = Swipe
|description = Force the hearing back into them
|syntax = SWIPE <target>
|syntax = SWIPE <target>
|description = A quick swipe of the hand will knock the hearing back into them.
|detail = A quick swipe of the hand will knock the hearing back into them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Pacing
|skill = Pacing
|description = Follow even the fleetest prey
|syntax = PACING <ON/OFF>
|syntax = PACING <ON/OFF>
|description = At a constant endurance drain, you will be able to tense yourself to follow those  
|detail = At a constant endurance drain, you will be able to tense yourself to follow those that
that take off in a sudden dash.
take off in a sudden dash.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Parrying
|skill = Parrying
|description = Parry blows with your sheer strength
|syntax = PARRY <limb> or PARRY NOTHING
|syntax = PARRY <limb> or PARRY NOTHING
|description = With this ability, you can parry a targeted attack aimed at one of your limbs using  
|detail = With this ability, you can parry a targeted attack aimed at one of your limbs using your
your mutated strength. You cannot hold anything in either hand.
mutated strength. You cannot hold anything in either hand.

You can parry your head, torso, left or right arm, and left or right leg.
You can parry your head, torso, left or right arm, and left or right leg.
Line 148: Line 189:
You will be unable to parry if you become prone (see HELP PRONE). Being fallen is excluded from  
You will be unable to parry if you become prone (see HELP PRONE). Being fallen is excluded from  
this list.
this list.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Alertness
|skill = Alertness
|description = Hear them before you see them
|description = Heighten your sense of hearing to allow the detection of movement from players in  
|detail = Heighten your sense of hearing to allow the detection of movement from players in  
surrounding locations. If you choose all, you will also see denizens.
surrounding locations. If you choose all, you will also see denizens.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Metabolize
|skill = Metabolize
|description = Recycle the devoured into strength
|description = Your will is such that you can force your food to metabolize faster, gifting you  
|detail = Your will is such that you can force your food to metabolize faster, gifting you with
with increased strength.
increased strength.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Hiding
|skill = Hiding
|description = Cloak yourself from the eyes of your prey
|syntax = HIDE and EMERGE
|syntax = HIDE and EMERGE
|description = Conceal yourself from view, hiding yourself from the eyes of others within the room.  
|detail = Conceal yourself from view, hiding yourself from the eyes of others within the room. You
You may emerge if you wish to reveal yourself and cease to hide.
may emerge if you wish to reveal yourself and cease to hide.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Flight
|skill = Flight
|description = Take to the skies
|syntax = FLY and LAND
|syntax = FLY and LAND
|description = Your winged form allows you to fly. Beware heavy winds!
|detail = Your winged form allows you to fly. Beware heavy winds!
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Stampede
|skill = Stampede
|description = Break their bones beneath your hooves
|syntax = STAMPEDE
|syntax = STAMPEDE
|description = Stomp your hooves and bellow forth a mighty warcry, temporarily bolstering the  
|detail = Stomp your hooves and bellow forth a mighty warcry, temporarily bolstering the movement
movement speed of you and your allies to a great degree.
speed of you and your allies to a great degree.

Cooldown: 10 minutes
Cooldown: 10 minutes
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Stealth
|skill = Stealth
|description = Tread with paws silent as the stars
|syntax = STEALTH <ON/OFF>
|syntax = STEALTH <ON/OFF>
|description = Quiet your footsteps, allowing you to mask your movements from prying eyes.
|detail = Quiet your footsteps, allowing you to mask your movements from prying eyes.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Resting
|skill = Resting
|description = Indulge in brief hibernation
|syntax = REST
|syntax = REST
|description = You can rest your weary bones, allowing you to recover endurance at an increased  
|detail = You can rest your weary bones, allowing you to recover endurance at an increased rate as  
rate as long as you remain seated.
long as you remain seated.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Submerge
|skill = Submerge
|description = Lurk in the watery depths for your prey
|syntax = SUBMERGE
|syntax = SUBMERGE
|description = While in a watery location, you can instantly submerge yourself which will hide,  
|detail = While in a watery location, you can instantly submerge yourself which will hide, shroud
shroud and stealth you. You will no longer be submerged if you leave the water.
and stealth you. You will no longer be submerged if you leave the water.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Listen
|skill = Listen
|description = Perk your ears in attentive hearing
|syntax = LISTEN <direction>
|syntax = LISTEN <direction>
|description = Use your auditory acuity to listen in on spoken conversations in an adjacent room.
|detail = Use your auditory acuity to listen in on spoken conversations in an adjacent room.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Endurance
|skill = Endurance
|description = Feel your limbs move quickly
|syntax = ENDURANCE
|syntax = ENDURANCE
|description = The never ending endurance of the beast. This will half the time it takes for your  
|detail = The never ending endurance of the beast. This will half the time it takes for your  
movement limit to be reset, allowing you to move about the land considerably faster.
movement limit to be reset, allowing you to move about the land considerably faster.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Thickhide
|skill = Thickhide
|description = A thick hide will negate some damage
|syntax = THICKHIDE
|syntax = THICKHIDE
|description = This ability will thicken your skin to protect yourself from physical attacks,  
|detail = This ability will thicken your skin to protect yourself from physical attacks, reducing
reducing the damage dealt by blunt or cutting strikes. This is considered as armour, rather then as  
the damage dealt by blunt or cutting strikes. This is considered as armour, rather then as a
a straight reduction.
straight reduction.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Awaiting
|skill = Awaiting
|description = Stealthily await your prey
|syntax = AWAIT <target>
|syntax = AWAIT <target>
|description = Detection difficulty modifier: 0%
|detail = Detection difficulty modifier: 0%

Slip into the shadows and silently wait for your target to arrive. When they do, you will begin to  
Slip into the shadows and silently wait for your target to arrive. When they do, you will begin to  
Line 237: Line 326:
There is a chance of being detected when using this ability. Please read HELP DECEIT for more  
There is a chance of being detected when using this ability. Please read HELP DECEIT for more  
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Climbing
|skill = Climbing
|description = Climb into the branches
|syntax = SWING <UP/DOWN>
|syntax = SWING <UP/DOWN>
|description = When in a location with trees, you may swing yourself up into the treetops from view.
|detail = When in a location with trees, you may swing yourself up into the treetops from view.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Seize
|skill = Seize
|description = Drag your prey into the branches
|syntax = SEIZE <target>
|syntax = SEIZE <target>
|description = While in the trees, you may seize someone on the ground below you and bring them to  
|detail = While in the trees, you may seize someone on the ground below you and bring them to your
your elevation.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Shove
|skill = Shove
|description = Push prey from their perch
|syntax = SHOVE <target>
|syntax = SHOVE <target>
|description = While in the trees, you may shove someone to the ground, possibly crippling their  
|detail = While in the trees, you may shove someone to the ground, possibly crippling their legs.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Startle
|skill = Startle
|description = Scare away steeds with your bestial nature
|syntax = STARTLE <player or denizen>
|syntax = STARTLE <player or denizen>
|description = AFFECTS: Both players and NPCs
|detail = Let loose a bellowing roar, terrifying any non-sentient denizen or driving mounts to buck  
their riders.
Let loose a bellowing roar, terrifying any non-sentient denizen or driving mounts to buck their  
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skillname = Scent
|skill = Scent
|description = Sniff out prey and competition nearby
|syntax = SCENT
|syntax = SCENT
|description = By using your sensitive snout, you can determine the location of those in the local  
|detail = By using your sensitive snout, you can determine the location of those in the local area
area and in adjacent areas. Should you currently be in a pack challenge, then it will mark those of  
and in adjacent areas. Should you currently be in a pack challenge, then it will mark those of the
the enemy pack and highlight them on QW and WHO.
enemy pack and highlight them on QW and WHO.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Pounce
|skill = Pounce
|description = Quickly attack your prey
|syntax = POUNCE <target>
|syntax = POUNCE <target>
|description = AFFECTS: Both players and NPCs
|detail = You can now quickly pounce upon your foe, dealing damage and briefly stunning them. If  
they are shielded, then it will destroy the shield.
You can now quickly pounce upon your foe, dealing damage and briefly stunning them. If they are  
|cooldown =
shielded, then it will destroy the shield.
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skillname = Ambush
|skill = Ambush
|description = Fall upon your prey with bared teeth
|syntax = AMBUSH <target>
|syntax = AMBUSH <target>
|description = Providing you are within the treetops, you can prepare to ambush someone below.  
|detail = Providing you are within the treetops, you can prepare to ambush someone below. After a  
After a delay, you will drop down from above and throw them to the floor, dealing some damage and  
delay, you will drop down from above and throw them to the floor, dealing some damage and briefly
briefly stunning them.
stunning them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Charge
|skill = Charge
|description = Barrel into your prey, knocking them down
|syntax = CHARGE <target>
|syntax = CHARGE <target>
|description = With this ability you can now charge at your prey from an adjacent location. This  
|detail = With this ability you can now charge at your prey from an adjacent location. This will
will throw them to the floor and knock them off balance.
throw them to the floor and knock them off balance.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Sniff
|skill = Sniff
|description = Catch the scent of your prey
|syntax = SNIFF DIRECTION OF <target>
|syntax = SNIFF DIRECTION OF <target>
|description = You can now figure out the direction of your target by sniffing out the scent they  
|detail = You can now figure out the direction of your target by sniffing out the scent they have
have left behind.
left behind.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Hoist
|skill = Hoist
|description = Take them to the skies
|syntax = HOIST <target> and RELEASE <target>
|syntax = HOIST <target> and RELEASE <target>
|description = If you are flying above your target, and after a short delay, you will swoop down  
|detail = If you are flying above your target, and after a short delay, you will swoop down and
and bring them into the sky in your talons. They will be trapped with you until they writhe free,  
bring them into the sky in your talons. They will be trapped with you until they writhe free, or
or are released.
are released.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Cornering
|skill = Cornering
|description = Cut off their escapes while opening up your own
|syntax = CORNER <ON/OFF>
|syntax = CORNER <ON/OFF>
|description = With this skill you will circle your foes, driving them in to a weaker position.  
|detail = With this skill you will circle your foes, driving them in to a weaker position. This
This will give an increased chance to dodge attacks directed at you. Read HELP AVOIDANCE for more  
will give an increased chance to dodge attacks directed at you. Read HELP AVOIDANCE for more  
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Bracing
|skill = Bracing
|description = Brace yourself from physical attack
|syntax = BRACE
|syntax = BRACE
|description = You can now use your sizable body to brace yourself against the physical attack,  
|detail = You can now use your sizable body to brace yourself against the physical attack, further
further reducing the amount of damage you take from cutting and blunt strikes.
reducing the amount of damage you take from cutting and blunt strikes.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Scales
|skill = Scales
|description = Even their magic has little effect on your hide
|syntax =  
|syntax =  
|description = This ability is passive.
|detail = This ability is passive.

Your hardened hide will lessen the effects of elemental strikes, reducing the damage you take from  
Your hardened hide will lessen the effects of elemental strikes, reducing the damage you take from  
fire and electrical attacks.
fire and electrical attacks.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Vibrance
|skill = Vibrance
|description = The heartbeat of the boar is not one to be denied
|syntax =  
|syntax =  
|description = This ability is passive.
|detail = This ability is passive.

The vibrance of the boar increases the potency of your health elixirs when consumed.
The vibrance of the boar increases the potency of your health elixirs when consumed.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Clotting
|skill = Clotting
|description = Close your wounds
|syntax =  
|syntax =  
|description = Syntax: CLOT [#]
|detail = Syntax: CLOT [#]

This ability will allow you to partially clot your bleeding in trade for your mana. You can specify  
This ability will allow you to partially clot your bleeding in trade for your mana. You can specify  
how many times you wish to clot if need be. If you input no amount, then you will try and clot away  
how many times you wish to clot if need be. If you input no amount, then you will try and clot away  
20 bleeding by default.
20 bleeding by default.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Salivate
|skill = Salivate
|description = Keep your prey's blood flowing
|syntax = SALIVATE
|syntax = SALIVATE
|description = After a short delay, you will begin to salivate at the mouth. Any bite attack you  
|detail = After a short delay, you will begin to salivate at the mouth. Any bite attack you perform
perform in Ferality will deliver haemophilia to the poor sap that you sink your teeth into. You can  
in Ferality will deliver haemophilia to the poor sap that you sink your teeth into. You can perform
perform this ability at no cost to yourself.
this ability at no cost to yourself.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Violate
|skill = Violate
|description = Take your fallen prey's head
|syntax = VIOLATE <corpse or husk>
|syntax = VIOLATE <corpse or husk>
|description = In the ultimate display of ferality, you can violate the corpse of a fallen foe,  
|detail = In the ultimate display of ferality, you can violate the corpse of a fallen foe, ripping
ripping their head clean from their body. Now you have a lovely trophy.
their head clean from their body. Now you have a lovely trophy.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Heatsight
|skill = Heatsight
|description = Find prey by their warm blood
|syntax = HEATSIGHT
|syntax = HEATSIGHT
|description = Use your superior eyesight to sense the heat of your prey, allowing you to briefly  
|detail = Use your superior eyesight to sense the heat of your prey, allowing you to briefly see
see those that would otherwise be hidden.
those that would otherwise be hidden.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Berserk
|skill = Berserk
|description = Sacrifice presence of mind for speed
|syntax = BERSERK
|syntax = BERSERK
|description = You can now slip into a rage so great that you will find yourself incapable of  
|detail = You can now slip into a rage so great that you will find yourself incapable of becoming
becoming unconscious or being stunned. Additionally, paresis will never transform into full blown  
unconscious or being stunned. Additionally, paresis will never transform into full blown paralysis.  
paralysis. However, you will lose sight of yourself and will no longer be able to determine your  
However, you will lose sight of yourself and will no longer be able to determine your own health  
own health and mana levels.
and mana levels.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Rage
|skill = Rage
|description = Overcome weaknesses of the spirit
|syntax = RAGE
|syntax = RAGE
|description = This ability will allow you to cure afflictions based upon altruism, such as those  
|detail = This ability will allow you to cure afflictions based upon altruism, such as those  
normally cured by eating a steroid pill.
normally cured by eating a steroid pill.

Line 397: Line 561:

Cooldown: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Hardening
|skill = Hardening
|description = Give strength to your bones
|syntax = HARDEN BONES
|syntax = HARDEN BONES
|description = In your bestial form, you will be able to harden your bones and occasionally shrug  
|detail = In your bestial form, you will be able to harden your bones and occasionally shrug off
off blows that would otherwise cripple them.
blows that would otherwise cripple them.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Mark
|skill = Mark
|description = Mark your territory
|syntax = MARK HERE
|syntax = MARK HERE
|description = Use your scent to mark a location as yours. You will show up at this location when a  
|detail = Use your scent to mark a location as yours. You will show up at this location when a  
person attempts to locate you through non-magical means.
person attempts to locate you through non-magical means.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Return
|skill = Return
|description = Return to your marked territory
|syntax = RETURN
|syntax = RETURN
|description = As long as you stand outdoors where the scent is strongest, you can, after a delay,  
|detail = As long as you stand outdoors where the scent is strongest, you can, after a delay,  
return to the location where you laid your mark.
return to the location where you laid your mark.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Track
|skill = Track
|description = Follow the trail to your prey
|syntax = TRACK <target>
|syntax = TRACK <target>
|description = Using your snout you can quickly seek out your prey, bringing along anyone who might  
|detail = Using your snout you can quickly seek out your prey, bringing along anyone who might be
be following you. Your target must be outdoors and either in the same local area or in an adjacent  
following you. Your target must be outdoors and either in the same local area or in an adjacent one.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Den
|skill = Den
|description = Burrow out your own little hole in the ground
|syntax = DIG DEN        COLLAPSE DEN        LOCATE DEN
|syntax = DIG DEN        COLLAPSE DEN        LOCATE DEN
|description = Additional syntax: STORE CARRION and EAT CARRION
|detail = Additional syntax: STORE CARRION and EAT CARRION

This will create a small den to the 'in'. You can build dens in forests, valleys, swamps, mountains,
This will create a small den to the 'in'. You can build dens in forests, valleys, swamps, mountains,
Line 441: Line 624:
redescribe your den, as long as it stays within the confines of a small, natural, hollowed out hole.
redescribe your den, as long as it stays within the confines of a small, natural, hollowed out hole.
  In other words, do not ask for a furnished room, with pillars and windows.
  In other words, do not ask for a furnished room, with pillars and windows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skillname = Quietus
|skill = Quietus
|description = Become a corpse upon the ground
|description = You now have the ability to fake your own death instantly, or prepare yourself to do  
|detail = You now have the ability to fake your own death instantly, or prepare yourself to do so
so the next time you take damage. If your opponent attempts to pick up your 'corpse' while you are  
the next time you take damage. If your opponent attempts to pick up your 'corpse' while you are  
faking death, you will leap up in a surprise attack and strike them, dealing damage and stunning  
faking death, you will leap up in a surprise attack and strike them, dealing damage and stunning  
them. You will be immune to attack while faking your death, but you will be unable to perform any  
them. You will be immune to attack while faking your death, but you will be unable to perform any  
actions yourself.
actions yourself.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
