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{{SkillTableRow |Dictate |Inept |0 |Dictate maladies in your opponent. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dictate |Inept |0 |Dictate maladies in your opponent. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Deathsight |Novice |0 |Keenly sense any and all death. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Deathsight |Novice |0 |Keenly sense any and all death. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Psycombat |Apprentice |0 |Test your mind against another's. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Assess |Apprentice |66 |Determine the health of your enemy. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Assess |Apprentice |66 |Determine the health of your enemy. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Disrupt |Capable |0 |Throw off your target's concentration. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Tithe |Adept |33 |They shall fuel your holy works. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Tithe |Adept |33 |They shall fuel your holy works. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Exhort |Skilled |0 |Command their attention with a sacred exhortation. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Exhort |Skilled |0 |Command their attention with a sacred exhortation. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dichotomy |Gifted |0 |Twinned dictations. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dichotomy |Gifted |0 |Twinned dictations. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Telesense |Gifted |0 |Heighten your awareness of telepathic attacks. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Telesense |Gifted |0 |Heighten your awareness of telepathic attacks. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Disturbance |Gifted |33 |Panic an opponent's steed. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Contemplation |Fabled |0 |Determine an opponent's mental capacity. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Proclamation |Fabled |25 |Dictations for the masses. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Proclamation |Fabled |25 |Dictations for the masses. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dejemashai |Mythical |50 |Insist on the presence of your quarry. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dejemashai |Mythical |50 |Insist on the presence of your quarry. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dumavai |Transcendent |0 |Your condemnation will break their weakened mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dumavai |Transcendent |0 |Your condemnation will break their weakened mind. }}
==== Dictations ====
{{SkillTableRow |Kuhinait |Inept |65 |Incite confusion of the mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Kuhinait |Inept |65 |Incite confusion of the mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Iljamashai |Novice |33 |Instill them with the desire to flee. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Iljamashai |Novice |33 |Instill them with the desire to flee. }}
Line 27: Line 34:
{{SkillTableRow |Dajimashva |Mythical |0 |Atrophy the body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dajimashva |Mythical |0 |Atrophy the body. }}
|skill = Lifevision
|description = Your perception is vast
|syntax = LIFEVISION
|detail = Your keen senses allow you to see all living things within your sight, regardless if they
are hidden or not. It will additionally provide some measure of protection against illusions,
allowing you to occasionally tell if they are fake.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Dictate
|description = Dictate maladies in your opponent
|syntax = DICTATE <affliction> <target>
|detail = Blood cost: 90 per dictation
Dictations are the method by which you can punish your foe with a variety of mental maladies,
allowing you to vanquish them more easily.
All dictations may be performed off balance providing you are not fallen on the ground, allowing
you to utilise a balance-based attack and then instill an affliction.
While dictating is possible in many situations where normally you'd normally be unable to act, it
is however difficult to do so while fallen and afflicted by stupidity, or while transfixed.
You will learn new dictations as you progress in this skill, and you can type AFFLICTION <name> to
learn more about what an affliction does.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Deathsight
|description = Keenly sense any and all death
|syntax = DEATHSIGHT [OFF]
|detail = Using this ability, you will be linked with the Underhalls, allowing you to sense those
who perish and pass through it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Psycombat
|description = Test your mind against another's
|syntax = PSYCHALLENGE <player>
|detail = Psychic combat is a telepathic battle between two players where the goal is to crumple
your opponent's mind. There is no penalty for losing, however those with deathsight will feel the
moment a game is decided. There are only seven commands associated with psychic combat that may be
used, and when you accept you will be transported to a special location out of harm's way. Most
other commands will not work until the game is complete.
You can do the following in psychic combat:
Blast your opponent's mind and attack their mental fortitude.
Erect a barrier that protects your mind from psychic blasts.
Tear away your opponent's mental barrier if they have one.
If your opponent has less than half of their mental energy, you can end the match in a surge of
psychic power. This is costly to perform and could result in your own loss if misjudged.
Use your mind to determine your opponent's mental energy.
Meditate your mind in order to recover your mental energy. This is a slow process.
This takes some time, during which you may not do anything else. Once the ability is successful, an
exit will open up, allowing you to escape.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Assess
|description = Determine the health of your enemy
|syntax = ASSESS <target>
|detail = Determine the physical state of another individual, discovering their current health
levels. As a benefit of Dictum, you may additionally perform this ability off balance.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Disrupt
|description = Throw off your target's concentration
|syntax = DISRUPT <target>
|detail = Blood cost: 100
Should your opponent have two mental afflictions, you may disrupt them of their equilibrium. They
will not be able to recover until they CONCENTRATE.
Look at HELP TYPES for more information on what is regarded as a mental affliction.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Tithe
|description = They shall fuel your holy works
|syntax = TITHE <target>
|detail = Blood cost: 100
With ease, you may carve away a portion of your opponent's mana and utilise the tithe to bolster
your own.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Exhort
|description = Command their attention with a sacred exhortation
|syntax = EXHORT <target>
|detail = Blood cost: 100
Capture the attention of your opponent for a short time by speaking rousing words and performing a
holy exhortation. While so captured, they will be transfixed and unable to act. Should you exhort a
blind opponent, you will remove their blindness instead.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Dichotomy
|description = Twinned dictations
|syntax = DICTATE <affliction> <affliction> <target>
|detail = Your skill is such that you are able to hold two dictations in your thoughts at once,
bestowing both afflictions upon your target simultaneously.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Telesense
|description = Heighten your awareness of telepathic attacks
|syntax = TELESENSE <ON/OFF>
|detail = Tune your senses to detect any telepathic attempts made on yourself or those in your
location. Be warned, this will drain your mana while active.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Disturbance
|description = Panic an opponent's steed
|syntax =
|detail = Syntax: DICTATE DISTURBANCE <target/mount>
You may create a disturbance in the mind of a mount, causing it to either throw its rider off its
back or flee outright from the location. This dictation cannot be combined with another via use of
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Contemplation
|description = Determine an opponent's mental capacity
|syntax = CONTEMPLATE <target>
|detail = Contemplate your opponent's mental state and discover their mana levels.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Proclamation
|description = Dictations for the masses
|syntax = PROCLAIM <affliction> [affliction]
|detail = By focusing your efforts, you may project your dictations in all directions, imparting
afflictions on all enemies within your location. You may proclaim a second affliction so long as
you have knowledge of Dichotomy.
Cooldown: 12 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Dejemashai
|description = Insist on the presence of your quarry
|syntax = DEJEMASHAI <target>
|detail = "dejemashai"; summon, muster
Blood cost: 250
By exerting your considerable will, you are able to insist on the presence of your quarry,
beckoning them towards you provided they are within three rooms of you. This will cause them to
move as though they did so of their own accord. It will also strip the rebounding defence if the
target successfully moves.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Dumavai
|description = Your condemnation will break their weakened mind
|syntax = DUMAVAI <target>
|detail = "dumavai"; flaw, blemish, break, condemn
Blood cost: 300
If your opponent is in a vulnerable mental state with their mana reserves below 35% of their
maximum, you can issue a righteous condemnation, slaying them outright.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Kuhinait
|description = Incite confusion of the mind
|syntax = DICTATE CONFUSION <target>
|detail = "kuhinait"; negation of knowledge
Plant confusing echoes and voices into the mind of your target, afflicting them with confusion.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Iljamashai
|description = Instill them with the desire to flee
|syntax = DICTATE FEAR <target>
|detail = "iljamashai"; flee
Plant unnatural dread into the mind of your target, causing them to flee in fear until they compose
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Adhakalat
|description = Distractions will leave them unable to focus
|syntax = DICTATE IMPATIENCE <target>
|detail = "adhakalat"; distractions
Reduce the attention span of your opponent, making it difficult to focus and afflicting them with
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Kuhinurai
|description = They will see enemies everywhere
|syntax = DICTATE PARANOIA <target>
|detail = "kuhinurai"; mislead
Instill your opponent with irrational suspicion, afflicting them with paranoia.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Qudubru
|description = Fear of open spaces
|syntax = DICTATE AGORAPHOBIA <target>
|detail = "qudubru"; fear of open spaces
Instill your opponent with a fear of the outdoors, afflicting them with agoraphobia.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Kkasadu
|description = Create an infatuation
|syntax = DICTATE KKASADU <target>
|detail = "kkasadu"; to love
Cause your opponent to become infatuated with you, afflicting them with the lover's effect.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ujakkdamvat
|description = Induce weakness of the mind and spirit
|syntax = DICTATE REMORSE <target>
|detail = "ujakkdamvat"; remorse, regret
Instill a deep remorse into the mind of your opponent, causing them to periodically offer up their
mental reserves in an
act of penance. This will last until they leave your presence for a short while.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Damvemadi
|description = Introduce flaws into their body
|syntax = DICTATE EPILEPSY <target>
|detail = "damvemadi"; flawed body
Cause your opponent to spasm and twitch, afflicting them with epilepsy.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Dabrumurad
|description = The sickness of emptiness
|syntax = DICTATE ANOREXIA <target>
|detail = "dabrumurad"; empty ailment, sickness
Implant the fear of consumption into your opponent, afflicting them with anorexia.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Kunirait
|description = Dampen the will to do harm
|syntax = DICTATE PEACE <target>
|detail = "kunirait"; dimness, dampening
Induce carefree thoughts into your victim, causing them to forget their enemies and afflict them
with peace.
This affliction will fade after a short period of time when delivered in this method.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Hakalamurad
|description = Stray thoughts shall consume
|syntax = DICTATE DEMENTIA <target>
|detail = "hakalamurad"; ailment of thought
Subvert your opponent's facility for recognising their surroundings, afflicting them with dementia.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Napamat
|description = They shall wax wroth
|syntax = DICTATE BERSERKING <target>
|detail = "napamat"; wrath, anger, rage
Fill your foe with uncontrolled rage, afflicting them with berserking.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Qushamim
|description = Fear of the soaring sky
|syntax = DICTATE VERTIGO <target>
|detail = "qushamim'; sky-fear, fright of the air
Implant a fear of heights into your opponent, afflicting them with vertigo.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
|skill = Dajimashva
|description = Atrophy the body
|syntax = DICTATE CONTRITION <target>
|detail = "dajimashva"; contrition, penitence
Induce contrition in your enemy, weighing them down with such heavy guilt that they will
periodically lose health and
gift it to you. This effect will last until they leave your presence for a short while.
|cooldown =
|target = Players only
|required =
