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                         [GUILD LEADERS]
                         [GUILD LEADERS]
                         Doyen: Kelliara
                         Doyen: Aarbrok
                 Divine Patron: [[Chakrasul]], Goddess of Corruption
                 Divine Patron: [[Maghak|Maghak, the Sovereign]]
             Fang of the Whelps: Katri
                Ceburi Elders: Kelliara, Xemnas, Akimoto, Kallah, and Eyolf
             Fang of the Whelps: Kallah

The Atabahi Rout is an ancient pack of half-wolf, half-man creatures
known to some as lycanthropes. Serving as the claws of Artifice, the
Coming together as a force in the outskirts of the Republic of Spinesreach, the Atabahi Rout is a diverse gathering of wolves who serve as the representatives for Lycanthropes across the land. The Council itself is elected of Representatives from the Packs which serve the Rout. Each path educates the young from being a fledgling whelp, up to mastery of their instincts and earning them placement within the Rout proper. Many have sought the ancient teachings passed on from their creation, and through calculated perseverance the Atabahi seek their history and will use all methods from their ferocious claws, to ancient rituals to discover more of their meaning and purpose.
Rout is loyal only to the Lord Severn over their own, and it is by His
will that they are blessed with inhuman swiftness and stealth. Their den
Each of the Rout's members is taught to how mutate into massive, cunning wolves, and with these teachings they learn how to embrace [[Ferality]] and the savagery of their gifts. These wolves are not a class in which one can educate but instead a fearsome race which requires understanding and patience to hone their primal will. In order to do battle with their foes, the Atabahi are taught a triad of powerful abilities. With [[Lycanthropy]] they master their mutations, learn to form packs, and to embrace the arts of subterfuge. Ferality is the combative art of the Rout, teaching the wolves to utilize their natural weapons to cause any number of wounds to a foe, working to tear them limb from limb. Finally, [[Howling]] represents the savage nature of the Rout, allowing them to bring down a myriad of painful effects upon any who would dare oppose them.
is located in the outskirts of Spinesreach, open only to their own kind.
The alliance amongst the packs of the Rout seeks to see the wolves repurposed under a common banner. For too long has the lone wolf ventured, and in 377 MA the Atabahi Rout has sought new purpose amongst their place within the Republic of Spinesreach. Heralding for the return of lone wolves to the den, the Atabahi seek to embrace the ever changing nature of their environment. They strive to seek greatness for the Republic under one united banner. The Elder wolves guide the paths as you seek excellence for all of lycanthrope kind.
Wielding three skills - those of [[Lycanthropy]], [[Ferality]], and [[Howling]] -
the Atabahi are more than amply suited to serve their own needs. With
"As a lone wolf, perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection together we can catch excellence."
[[Lycanthropy]], they are able to mutate into their swift and tenacious
lupine form, while [[Ferality]] allows them the strength to kill with claws,
teeth, and bulk at their behest. Lastly, [[Howling]] is perhaps the wildest
of the three, enabling the lycanthrope to warp the minds and bodies of
their foes with their impressive vocal cords.