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{{SkillTableRow |Voice |Inept |0 |Power of the voice. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Voice |Inept |0 |Power of the voice. }}
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{{SkillTableRow |Oblivion |Transcendent |0 |Cast all who hear into the void. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Oblivion |Transcendent |0 |Cast all who hear into the void. }}
|skillname = Voice
|syntax = SING SONG OF <name>
|description = The first step that most learn toward music is using the voice. It is with your
voice that you will first learn to elicit effects upon those who hear you.
Each song will take a short while of singing before its effect will be felt by those you direct it
towards. You may move or act during a song once started, however you may not speak. If a song
requires it to be held, then you must cease all actions once the first part of the song is heard.
Only one song may be sung at a time.
Since you are using the voice, do note that any damage to your throat will prevent you from
completing your song. Ensure that it remains healthy so that your song will have its intended
|skillname = Audience
|syntax = AUDIENCE and AUDIENCE <target/NONE>
|description = Some song's effects may only be directed toward a single person. Their target, in
such cases, will be the person whom you have designated as your audience.
You may alter your intended audience at any time, including while a song is being sung - except if
the song is held.
|skillname = Songward
|syntax =
|description = This ability is passive.
While in the middle of a song, you will gain some resistance to all types of damage until the song
is complete.
|skillname = Coldread
|syntax = COLDREAD [target] [emotion]
|description = Perform a cold read of your target to deduce their current emotional state. Their
emotions must first be awakened to make full use of this ability. If no target is supplied, then
you will read yourself.
Please see AB SONGCALLING AWAKENING for more information on awakening their emotional state.
|skillname = Discordance
|description = Each time you begin a song, you will inflict a hidden affliction of either
hallucinations, masochism, or berserking into any enemies in your location that hear your song.
Your song must not interrupt another song for the effects to apply.
You are not able to benefit from the effects of Euphonia and Discordance at the same time.
|skillname = Instrument
|syntax = IMBUE <instrument> WITH SOUL        PLAY SONG OF <name>
|description = Imbue a single instrument with a fragment of your soul, allowing you to entrance
those around you with its musical power.
While wielding your instrument, you can PLAY instead of SING, allowing you to play and sing one
song for each at a time. A played song will also elicit its effect sooner than if you had sung it.
You must continue to wield your instrument until the song is finished, otherwise it will fail.
|skillname = Euphonia
|syntax = EUPHONIA
|description = Each time you begin a song, you will restore a small amount of health and mana to
yourself and any allies in your location that can hear your music. Your song must not interrupt
another song for the effects to apply.
You are not able to benefit from the effects of Euphonia and Discordance at the same time.
|skillname = Induce
|syntax = INDUCE <emotion>
|description = Providing that their emotions have been awakened to manipulation, you can induce an
emotional reaction of your choosing in anyone in the same location as you through a short string of
notes. This will bring the chosen emotion to the forefront of their mind, causing it to become
their primary emotion. While affected by a primary emotion, certain afflictions will become more
Here are the emotion types and their effects:
Sadness (shyness) - Instills a chance of missing physical attacks.
Happiness (perplexed) - Pipe curing balance is lengthened.
Surprise (dizziness) - Causes an inability to dodge attacks.
Anger (hatred) - Prevents the ability to shield.
Stress (masochism) - Attacking yourself via masochism stuns yourself.
Fear (self-loathing) - Thoughts caused by the self-loathing affliction give the worrywart anxiety.
Disgust (besilence) - Improves besilence so that it blocks any ability requiring mana.
While under the effect of an induced emotion, the corresponding emotional level of those effected
will slowly deplete over time and neither can it be further increased. They will also be
occasionally afflicted with the associated affliction as their inducement wears down their emotions.
For more information on awakening emotional states, please refer to the AB SONGCALLING AWAKENING.
There is no balance or equilibrium cost associated with this ability, but it is placed on cooldown
for a short period. Wielding your instrument will cause the cooldown to be shorter.
Cooldown (sung): 18 seconds
Cooldown (played): 14 seconds
|skillname = Inspire
|syntax = INSPIRE
|description = Infuse a single note with the energy of inspiration, inspiring your allies in your
location to dodge the next attack directed at them with complete certainty as well as immediately
restoring a small amount of health and mana.
There is no balance or equilibrium cost associated with this ability, however it is placed upon
cooldown for a short period. Wielding your instrument will cause this cooldown to be shorter.
Cooldown (sung): 10 seconds
Cooldown (played): 6 seconds
|skillname = Halfbeat
|syntax = HALFBEAT [OFF]
|description = At the cost of your willpower, you can perform your songs in series of half beats
while allowing your tune to retain its intrigue to others. It will periodically allow you, one half
of the time, to perform songs at a greater speed while in effect.
|skillname = Origin
|description = Target: Self.
This miraculous song will engulf you in its nostalgic tune, returning you to your city entrance. If
you are citiless, then the song will return you to the shores of Djeir, ancestral home of all bards.
|skillname = Charity
|description = Target: Enemies.
Sing a song of charity, awakening their innate generosity and inspiring them to share.
|skillname = Fascination
|description = Target: Audience.
Fascinate a target, making them unable to escape by normal means, but still able to attack. This
will hold them in place until it is writhed from.
|skillname = Youth
|description = Target: Allies and self.
This youthful song will merge the present physical body with its memory of the past, restoring some
health to your allies and self. If your chosen audience is healed by this effect, it will
additionally cure them of a random affliction.
|skillname = Feasting
|description = Target: All except self.
Those who hear your song will be unable to help themselves, devouring an assortment of edible items
from within their inventory or edible items upon the ground.
|skillname = Decadence
|description = Target: Enemies.
The song of decadence will awaken depraved symptoms within your audience, inflicting them with a
perverse addiction.
|skillname = Unheard
|description = Target: Audience.
While deaf, this song will have no effect upon your target. However, should their hearing be
restored when struck by the sound, then their mind will be damaged by the booming notes of your
attention-demanding song. The damage is further increased if they also suffering from ringing ears.
This song can reach your chosen audience if they reside within the same area as you.
|skillname = Sorrow
|description = Target: Audience.
The sorrowful notes of this song will capture your audience's attention and thoughts, driving them
into the depths of grief. It will squelch their ability to call upon magical teleportion and
instill them with a miserable migraine.
|skillname = Merriment
|description = Target: All adjacent (Held).
This uplifting song will lighten the hearts of those who hear its joyful notes. While under its
calming spell, they will find that their density defence will cease to provide meaningful benefit.
|skillname = Doom
|description = Target: Audience.
Draw an inescapable doom down upon your target through your music, placing a mark of destruction on
them at the song's completion. When two seconds have passed since the end of the song, they will be
dealt half of all damage taken during the mark's lifetime as magical damage.
|skillname = Foundation
|description = Target: Allies.
The song of foundation will instill your allies with resilience. This will prevent some damage from
brute-sourced attacks until it fades.
|skillname = Destiny
|description = Target: Self.
The flow of destiny will favour you as this song reaches its completion. The next time you weave
together a certain effect, it will be free of any equilibrium cost.
The skills include:
Globes, Boundary, Runeband, Horologe, Thurible, Bladestorm, and Anelace.
See AB WEAVING <skillname> for more information on each skill above.
|skillname = Tranquility
|description = Target: All except self (Held).
This entrancing song will beguile the hearts of those who hear it. While it is in effect, those in
the same location as you will be unable to commit aggressive actions except against yourself. This
song is a channeled action once active and requires your full attention to remain in effect.
|skillname = Awakening
|description = Target: Enemies.
The song of awakening will form a strong connection between your audience's emotions, allowing them
to surface and affect their decision making.
As such, their emotional level will begin to rise when the following occurs:
Sadness - When mana is consumed or drained.
Happiness - When afflictions are cured.
Surprise - When they are stunned.
Anger - When taking damage.
Stress - When they bleed.
Fear - When observing an object being weaved.
Disgust - Moving out of combat.
Act quick as given enough time, their state of awakening will eventually fade away.
|skillname = Harmony
|description = Target: Allies.
The song of harmony will give your allies resistance against the elements. This will prevent some
damage from arcane-sourced attacks until it fades.
|skillname = Remembrance
|description = Target: Self.
Remind your physical form of its original state, completely obliterating any residual dithering
that may have been accumulated within your body. This will reduce your dithering to nothing,
allowing you to weave once more.
Please see AB WEAVING HANDTRAILING for more information on what dithering is.
|skillname = Hero
|description = Target: Audience (Held).
While this song is being played, your chosen target will become infused with the courage of heroes
past. While under its musical effect, they will become unable to perish through the effects of
damage and will obtain a 20% boost to any sourced damage they deal, but only when up against other
While you may not perform any other actions while this song is held, your target can move as they
please and the effect will persist as long as the song continues.
Should your target lose the touch of heroism or leave the same area as they received it, then you
will cease your song.
|skillname = Mythics
|description = Target: Audience.
Perform the song of mythics to another who is mutual allies with you. Upon hearing its uplifting
notes, your soul will drift into and swap with the other, allowing you control over them, and them
control over you.
Either person may use the command UNPOSSESS to end the control.
|skillname = Fate
|description = Target: Audience.
Call upon musical notes of fate to consume your foe. Every so often, one of their exits will become
shrouded in darkness. Should they leave through this exit and enter the darkness, they will suffer
severe unblockable damage for attempting to defy fate.
This effect will persist until only one exit is safe, at which point it will then fade not long
|skillname = Oblivion
|description = Target: All and adjacent (Held)
This terrifying song will bring an end to all that hear it. It will affect those in your location
and those in adjacent locations once it begins in earnest, however the song is long, requires
concentration, and will take time to complete.
There is no method to prevent the void that awaits those that hear its first notes, other then to
cease the song from reaching its closing and final note.
Should the song be denied its finale - whether by failure or choice - it will lash out against the
user and transfix them in place, for only success will please it.


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