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{{SkillTableRow |Bowmanship |Inept |0 |Hunt with bow and arrow. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Bowmanship |Inept |0 |Hunt with bow and arrow. }}
Line 20: Line 21:
== Traps ==
{{SkillTableRow |Traps |Capable |0 |Discern the presence of traps in your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Traps |Capable |0 |Discern the presence of traps in your location. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Clothesline |Adept |0 |Thin rope that will slice your victim. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Clothesline |Adept |0 |Thin rope that will slice your victim. }}
Line 34: Line 35:
{{SkillTableRow |Spike |Fabled |50 |A hidden spear beneath the earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Spike |Fabled |50 |A hidden spear beneath the earth. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Launcher |Mythical |0 |A mechanism for spraying resin onto foes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Launcher |Mythical |0 |A mechanism for spraying resin onto foes. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Entrapment |Mythical |50 |Steer an opponent into one of your traps. }}|}
{{SkillTableRow |Entrapment |Mythical |50 |Steer an opponent into one of your traps. }}
== Resins ==
{{SkillTableRow |Resins |Novice |0 |Prepare pitch by distilling plantlife and inks. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Resins |Novice |0 |Prepare pitch by distilling plantlife and inks. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pyrolum |Apprentice |0 |An explosive resin that burns with flames. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pyrolum |Apprentice |0 |An explosive resin that burns with flames. }}
Line 46: Line 48:
{{SkillTableRow |Lysirine |Mythical |0 |A resin that induces sluggish behaviour. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lysirine |Mythical |0 |A resin that induces sluggish behaviour. }}
|skill = Bowmanship
|description = Hunt with bow and arrow
|syntax =
|detail = Using a bow:
  SHOOT <target> [type/venom]
  SWITCH <type>
Using a quiver:
  INQ <amount> <type> ARROWS
  OUTQ <amount> <type> ARROWS
Every hunter begins their journey with the basic longbow. First you must find yourself a bow, some
arrows, and a quiver. Place the arrows you wish to use within your quiver using INQ, and then while
wielding your bow, you can SHOOT a target within line-of-sight of you. You can use SWITCH to choose
which of your arrows you will shoot by default.
In addition to the regular venoms, you may also use the sumac and loki venoms with a bow.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Adhere
|description = Adhere resins to your arrows
|syntax = SHOOT <target> <resin>
|detail = You now possess the ability to adhere a resin to your arrow, in order to coat your
opponent with it. This will consume your normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Warningshot
|description = Threaten your foe with a warning shot
|syntax = WARNINGSHOT <target>
|detail = Fire a warning shot using your bow with the intent to threaten. This will consume your
normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Bowstance
|description = Wield bows fluidly
|syntax = BOWSTANCE
|detail = While wearing a bow, fluidly move it into your hands.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Fireshot
|description = Ignite resins on a distant target
|syntax = SHOOT <target> FIRESHOT
|detail = You may light your arrow before firing it, causing it to ignite any resins on contact and
set your target on fire. This will consume your normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Delivery
|description = Attach an item to your arrow
|syntax = DELIVERYSHOT <target> <item>
|detail = Attach an item to your arrow, delivering it to your target. The item cannot be too heavy.
This will consume your normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Crossbows
|description = The hunter's weapon of choice
|syntax =
|detail = This ability is passive.
Known for its mechanical ingenity, the crossbow is the chosen weapon for hunters all around the
land. It takes a knowledgable mind to fully appreciate and use the weapon, and your proficiency
with traps has helped you learn it quicker than most.
Refer to AB TRACKING BOWMANSHIP on how to use the crossbow.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Heavyshot
|description = A dense projectile that can push enemies
|syntax = SHOOT <target> HEAVYSHOT
|detail = Attaching a lead weight to your arrow will push your target out of the room with the
momentum of the arrow. This will consume your normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Scent
|description = Seek out the scents of those nearby
|syntax = SCENT
|detail = A basic means of tracking, you can determine the location of those in the local area and
in adjacent areas.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Hurling
|description = Hurl a glob of resin using a fire source
|syntax = RESIN HURL <resin type> AT <target>
|detail = Quickly hurl resin at someone in your location by heating it until it forms a soft shell.
This requires you to have a fire source in your inventory, such as a tinderbox.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Aiming
|description = Increase your accuracy in shooting
|syntax = AIM <target>
|detail = Increase the accuracy of your crossbow by aiming at your target first. As long as they
remain within the trajectory of the arrow, it will always hit them, even if they move from their
original location.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Powershot
|description = Strike a target with a stunning shot
|syntax = SHOOT <target> POWERSHOT
|detail = By overdrawing your string, you can release a powerful shot that will stun your opponent
briefly. This will consume your normal arrows.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Combust
|description = Instantly ignite resins in your presence
|syntax = RESIN COMBUST <target>
|detail = By releasing a small cloud of volatile powder, you will rapidly change the flashpoint of
any resins on your target, causing them to instantly combust. If the target already has an ignited
resin, then using this ability will cause the resin to burn through three cycles worth of material,
potentially causing a hot burn.
Using this ability will additionally open up the opportunity for a dhuriv flourish.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Preysense
|description = Spot resins burning from a distance
|syntax = PREYSENSE
|detail = Once a resin is ignited upon someone, you can track their location, health, and mana from
anywhere in the local area. It will bypass any sort of cloaking they may have.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Precision
|description = Snipe your enemies from distant treetops
|syntax =
|detail = This ability is passive.
Providing you are above the ground, such as in the trees or sky, your training and incredible sight
allows you to aim and strike at anyone in the local area with your bow. Your arrows will take
slightly longer to reach your target due to the distance and there is a slightly increased
endurance cost to do so.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Quickshot
|description = Fire off a shot with inhuman reflexes
|syntax =
|detail = This ability is passive.
As long as you have a bow on hand, you can shoot it as though you are wielding it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Masking
|description = Cloak your scent with a mixture of herbs
|syntax = MASK SCENT
|detail = At a periodic minor cost to your mana and willpower, you may mask your scent entirely,
preventing anyone from picking up on it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Alacrity
|description = Experience the true mastery of dexterity
|syntax = ALACRITY
|detail = This ability will prepare yourself to hunt your prey, granting nimble fingers when
performing certain actions.
Whenever you next shoot an arrow, lay a trap, or hurl a resin, it will cost significantly less
balance in order to do so. This will last for three uses at which stage your alacrity will be lost.
Note that any arrows you shoot will deal less damage then normal while under the effects of
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Traps
|description = Discern the presence of traps in your location
|syntax = TRAPS [ALL]
|detail = This ability will search for traps in the room, giving you information about them. You
can also search for all traps in the land laid by you.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Clothesline
|description = Thin rope that will slice your victim
|syntax = LAY CLOTHESLINE <direction>
|detail = Commodities:
  1 rope
This trap will cut the jugular of any enemy of yours that passes by, slitting their neck and
causing them to bleed.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Darts
|description = Pierce your foe with twin poisonous darts
|syntax = LAY DARTS <direction>
|detail = Commodities:
  1 wood
The darts trap shoots out a dart when sprung, and then a second one a few moments later. It does no
damage, but may be coated to poison the victim. This trap can only be sprung by your enemies.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Coat
|description = Coat your traps in resins or venoms
|syntax = COAT <trap> <direction/HERE> WITH <substance>        WIPE OFF TRAP <direction/HERE>
|detail = You now posess the ability to coat a trap in either venoms or resins. Only certain kinds
of traps can be coated with either a venom or a resin.
In addition to the regular venoms, you may also use the sumac and loki venoms with your trap.
Traps that can be coated:
Darts, Spike, and Launcher
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Incendiary
|description = An explosive trap that ignites resins
|syntax = LAY INCENDIARY <direction>
|detail = Commodities:
  1 iron
This simple trap will burst into hot sharpel when an enemy treads on it, lighting them on fire and
igniting any resins that have adhered to them. If burning resins are already present on the target,
then it will melt away the top  layer and induce a hot burn.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Disarming
|description = Quickly take traps apart
|syntax = DISARM <trap> <direction/HERE>
|detail = Using this ability, you will attempt to disarm a trap that has been laid.
If the trap was set by you, you will recollect the commodities used in its creation, if any were
If the trap was not laid by you, then it will take time and concentration to disarm it. You may not
perform any actions while you disarm the trap, or it will be sprung upon you.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Smokescreen
|description = Take cover beneath smoke when your foe arrives
|detail = Commodities:
  2 diamond dust
An explosive trap that lets loose a smokescreen, improving your ability to dodge and divert
drastically by weaving through the smoke. This effect remains active for a short period within the
room it is triggered in.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Horseshoe
|description = A trap that stuns its victims with a head strike
|detail = Commodities:
  1 iron
A few seconds after this trap has been sprung by an enemy, a horseshoe will fall down from above
and strike them in the head, stunning them from a short period.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Noose
|description = Catch your prey in an entangling trap
|syntax = LAY NOOSE <direction>
|detail = Commodities:
  2 rope
This trap will snare your enemy in a noose, strangling them until they writhe free of its grasp.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Catapult
|description = Send your victim flying across the area
|syntax = LAY CATAPULT HERE <direction to launch>        LAY CATAPULT HERE SKYWARDS
|detail = Commodities:
  1 rope, 1 wood
The catapult trap launches an enemy in the specified direction or straight up into the sky, should
they not have the density defence. Multiple catapults can be chained together to move an enemy a
number of rooms, however only three catapults will activate in a single instance. Any further
catapults triggered will break.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Alarm
|description = Put an alarm on a trap
|syntax = SET ALARM <direction/HERE>
|detail = You can set an alarm on your trap to notify you of who springs it or disarms it,
including what kind of trap it was, and its location.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Spike
|description = A hidden spear beneath the earth
|syntax = LAY SPIKE HERE
|detail = Commodities:
  1 rope, 1 wood, 1 iron
The spike trap is a delayed trap that activates after a few seconds, launching a iron-tipped spike
into your opponent from below. It can be coated to poison your target as well.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Launcher
|description = A mechanism for spraying resin onto foes
|detail = Commodities:
  1 rope, 1 wood
Once coated with a resin, this mechanical trap will launch its payload into the air when triggered.
This will adhere a layer of resin to not only the enemy who triggered it, but all enemies within
the location as well.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Entrapment
|description = Steer an opponent into one of your traps
|syntax =
|detail = This ability is passive.
The skill with which you lay out a trap now allows you a chance to steer an opponent into it,
should they dodge an attack. This will only work on traps laid in your location and not on traps
that are armed upon exits.
This chance is increased if they are suffering from the heartflutter affliction or a raccoon is
aiding you.
Base chance: 30%
Heartflutter: +30%
Raccoon assistance: +10%
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Resins
|description = Prepare pitch by distilling plantlife and inks
|syntax = RESIN PREPARE <type> IN <cauldron>        COLLECT SAP        FILL <vial> FROM <cauldron> 
      FLUIDCACHE CONSUME <cauldron>
|detail = To begin preparing adhesive resins, you must first have access to a preservation room,
have a chunk of hardened plant sap and inks to use as a base, and a cauldron to house the resin in.
First you must COLLECT yourself some sap from any forest room, which will be enough for one mixture
of resin. Each resin will also require a specific amount of inks, which will depend on the resin
you are trying to make. Once you have these two ingredients, you can then begin to PREPARE your
resin, which will create the mixture in short order. Each batch will contain enough resin to FILL
three vials.
There are two layers which can be adhered to a target's body with one resin application needed to
create a single layer. The first layer, when ignited, will burn slowly and heat up over time,
causing a negative effect on the target until it finishes burning. Once the first layer burns away,
the second layer will ignite in a powerful reaction. This reaction is short lived and lasts little
more then a couple seconds, but is generally more powerful.
For each resin, you can view their corresponding help file (AB TRACKING <resin>) to find out more.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Pyrolum
|description = An explosive resin that burns with flames
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Crimson
Inks: 3 red
Pyrolum is a basic resin taught to all beginners. It is well known for being able to burn for long
periods of time, gaining intensity the longer it is alight.
Cold burn effect (12 cycles):
Pyrolum will scorch the lungs with heated fumes periodically, dealing fire damage.
Hot burn effect:
Pyrolum will combust in a tower of horrific flames, burning the unfortunate victim coated in it.
The less health they have when it activates, the more damage they will take.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Corsin
|description = A resin that hardens as it burns
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Indigo
Inks: 2 purple, 1 blue
Unlike other resins, when burnt the corsin resin emits no heat or fumes. However, it will quickly
harden and form a tough shell, making movement difficult.
Cold burn effect (8 cycles):
A tough shell will begin to form, reducing the target's ability to dodge and divert while it burns.
It will also improve accuracy against the target by 10%.
Hot burn effect:
The resin will rapidly harden into a solid state, forming a shell that will hinder movement for a
few seconds before breaking away.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Trientia
|description = A dizzying resin that emits powerful fumes
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Goldenrod
Inks: 3 yellow
This extremely slick resin produces powerful fumes when ignited, causing harmful effects to those
that inhale it. As it reaches high temperature, the fumes become powerfully toxic to a weakened
Cold burn effect (9 cycles):
If the opponent is suffering from dizziness, then the fumes will cause the faintness affliction.
Hot burn effect:
The resin will release powerful toxic fumes as it burns away, stunning the target for a time based
on each euphoriant cured affliction they have yet to heal.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Harimel
|description = A slow burning resin that clings to the skin
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Navy
Inks: 3 blue
Highly viscuous in nature and slow to burn, the harimel resin will reveal minute motions of the
target through its smoky fumes. It has been known to deeply char the skin once it reaches high
Cold burn effect (14 cycles):
The smoky fumes will reveal which limb the target shifts their parry to.
Hot burn effect:
Burns the skin deeply, giving the burnt skin affliction making poultices useless until cured.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Glauxe
|description = Blackout-inducing resin that releases a tarry smoke
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Mahogany
Inks: 2 red, 1 yellow
The glauxe resin is a potent adherance that releases a tarry smoke as it burns. The smoke will
cause an irritant that will agitate the effects of allergies, increasing its potency while the
resin remains. At higher temperatures where it reaches a vapor point, it will completely knock out
the senses.
Cold burn effect (10 cycles):
The tarry smoke will give the target allergies. If they have allergies, then it will increase its
severity by one stack.
Hot burn effect:
Induces a short-lived blackout in the target.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Badulem
|description = A poisonous resin that mixes with toxins
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Olive
Inks: 1 green, 2 yellow
Badulum resin is unique in that it'll liquify and seep into any open wounds on the target while
burning and react with left over traces of venom. It is known to have a dangerously toxic effect.
Cold burn effect (8 cycles):
The target will take increasing poison damage, proportional to the amount of venom afflictions
Hot burn effect:
For each venom affliction present on the target, they will become afflicted with an instance of
loki. It won't give afflictions the target already has.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Lysirine
|description = A resin that induces sluggish behaviour
|syntax =
|detail = Color: Fuschia
Inks: 2 red 1 purple
A pleasant-smelling resin, the fumes from the concoction are known to induce a sluggish effect in
those that breathe them in. As the resin heats up, the fumes can begin to mess with the target's
Cold burn effect (6 cycles):
Reduces the time of paresis to transform into paralysis by half.
Hot burn effect:
Powerful fumes will leave the target with paresis, impatience, and confusion.
If they already have paresis, it will give heartflutter instead.
If they have impatience, it will give hallucinations instead.
If they have confusion, it will give stupidity instead.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =


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