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{{SkillTableRow |Mark |Inept |0 |Your connection to the ancestors. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Mark |Inept |0 |Your connection to the ancestors. }}
Line 7: Line 8:
{{SkillTableRow |Manifest |Inept |0 |Manifest an ancestor. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Manifest |Inept |0 |Manifest an ancestor. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Distort |Novice |33 |Bid your ancestor to distort your aura. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Distort |Novice |33 |Bid your ancestor to distort your aura. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cacophony |Novice |66 |Allow your foes to hear the thunderous warcries of your  
{{SkillTableRow |Cacophony |Novice |66 |Allow your foes to hear the thunderous warcries of your ancestors. }}
ancestors. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Overrun |Apprentice |0 |Overrun your foes with an assault from your ancestors. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Overrun |Apprentice |0 |Overrun your foes with an assault from your ancestors. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Victory |Apprentice |33 |Victory in battle will improve your renown. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Victory |Apprentice |33 |Victory in battle will improve your renown. }}
Line 20: Line 20:
{{SkillTableRow |Spear |Adept |50 |Manifest an ancestor that will spear your target's limbs. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Spear |Adept |50 |Manifest an ancestor that will spear your target's limbs. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Seance |Skilled |0 |Your ancestors will whisper to you of souls you cannot see. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Seance |Skilled |0 |Your ancestors will whisper to you of souls you cannot see. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Clarity |Skilled |50 |Beseech your ancestors for the clarity to discern impulses  
{{SkillTableRow |Clarity |Skilled |50 |Beseech your ancestors for the clarity to discern impulses not your own. }}
not your own. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Suffuse |Gifted |0 |Your ancestors will suffuse your weary body or mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Suffuse |Gifted |0 |Your ancestors will suffuse your weary body or mind. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Affirm |Gifted |25 |Affirm the presence of those around you. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Affirm |Gifted |25 |Affirm the presence of those around you. }}
Line 27: Line 26:
{{SkillTableRow |Expel |Expert |0 |Expel their soul, displacing it around their body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Expel |Expert |0 |Expel their soul, displacing it around their body. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Offering |Expert |25 |Present an offering to entice an ancestor's assistance. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Offering |Expert |25 |Present an offering to entice an ancestor's assistance. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ward |Expert |75 |Your ancestors will bless you with protection from magical  
{{SkillTableRow |Ward |Expert |75 |Your ancestors will bless you with protection from magical assault. }}
assault. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Invocation |Virtuoso |25 |Invoke your ancestors to split the power of their blessings. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Invocation |Virtuoso |25 |Invoke your ancestors to split the power of their  
blessings. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Bolster |Virtuoso |50 |Your renown will bolster your constitution. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Bolster |Virtuoso |50 |Your renown will bolster your constitution. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Alertness |Virtuoso |75 |Remain aware of those that would move nearby. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Alertness |Virtuoso |75 |Remain aware of those that would move nearby. }}
Line 38: Line 35:
== Ancestor Abilities ==
====Displacement Abilities====
{{SkillTableRow |Apprise |Inept |0 |Apprise the displacement of their soul. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Apprise |Inept |0 |Apprise the displacement of their soul. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Displacement |Novice |0 |Your strikes will displace their souls. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Displacement |Novice |0 |Your strikes will displace their souls. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Inhibit |Adept |75 |Inhibit your opponent from calling a magical shield. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Inhibit |Adept |75 |Inhibit your opponent from calling a magical shield. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ambush |Skilled |25 |Ambush your opponents with ancestral assistance. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Ambush |Skilled |25 |Ambush your opponents with ancestral assistance. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Portent |Skilled |75 |Bestow upon them a portent to render curatives less  
{{SkillTableRow |Portent |Skilled |75 |Bestow upon them a portent to render curatives less effective. }}
effective. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Engorge |Gifted |75 |Levy a curse to fill their veins to capacity. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Engorge |Gifted |75 |Levy a curse to fill their veins to capacity. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Debilitate |Expert |50 |Capitalize upon their weakening state to debilitate their  
{{SkillTableRow |Debilitate |Expert |50 |Capitalize upon their weakening state to debilitate their limbs. }}
limbs. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fissure |Fabled |25 |Create an opening from which their soul will escape. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Fissure |Fabled |25 |Create an opening from which their soul will escape. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Haunt |Fabled |75 |Your ancestors will call a soul to haunt an area, binding it  
{{SkillTableRow |Haunt |Fabled |75 |Your ancestors will call a soul to haunt an area, binding it there. }}
there. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Elude |Mythical |25 |Their displaced soul will allow you to elude their defenses. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Elude |Mythical |25 |Their displaced soul will allow you to elude their defenses.  
{{SkillTableRow |Attune |Mythical |75 |Your ancestors will attune a strike with one of your own. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Attune |Mythical |75 |Your ancestors will attune a strike with one of your own. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sacrifice |Transcendent |0 |End someone's life as a sacrifice to the ancestors. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Sacrifice |Transcendent |0 |End someone's life as a sacrifice to the ancestors. }}
|skill = Mark
|description = Your connection to the ancestors
|detail = The ancestral mark is your connection to the ancestors, allowing you call upon their
powers even outside of the range of the bone crypts. Should you be focusing the power of your
ancestral mark somewhere, you can regather to bring the power back and end whatever it was being
used upon.
You can also acknowledge the ever-present nature of your ancestors.
If you have yet to obtain the ancestral mark, you must go to Griana and RECEIVE ANCESTRAL MARK FROM
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Deathsight
|description = Attune yourself to fallen souls
|syntax = DEATHSIGHT [OFF]
|detail = Using this ability, you will be linked with the Underhalls, allowing you to sense those
who perish and pass through it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Renown
|description = See how high your renown stands
|detail = See how high your renown stands amongst the ancestors.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Trial
|description = Engage the ancestors in battle to improve your renown
|syntax = ANCEST TRIAL        ANCEST REGATHER               
|detail = Additional commands:
  ANCEST DUEL <target>
Engage in a combat trial against the Serpent clan. You can empower the ancestral mark using some of
your lifeforce, allowing ancestral spirits to manifest and engage you in combat. Defeating these
spirits will increase the standing of your renown with the ancestors.
Two types of ancestral spirits will manifest:
- a warrior of the Serpent clan
- a champion of the Serpent clan
In order to combat them, you will have three skills:
  Lunge - This will hit up to five random spirits in the location.
  Duel  - Challenge a target to a one on one exchange, heavily damaging them.
  Banish - Drive out all warriors, leaving only champions behind. You will not gain renown for this.
Lunges are better suited against warriors, while duels are far more effective against champions. To
use these abilities, you must be wielding a weapon of the Serpent clan.
Additionaly, undergoing the trial while in an ancestral crypt will add a small bonus to your
successful attempts.
When you wish to end the trial, simply regather the power back into your ancestral mark.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Inherit
|description = The ancestors will grant you their weapon
|detail = Should you be in desperate need of a weapon, the ancestors will bequeath you one of their
own. While these ancient weapons are nowhere near as effective as a modern weapon, it will serve
your needs. These weapons are bound to the bone crypts, and will not last a long time outside of
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Manifest
|description = Manifest an ancestor
|detail = By parting with a portion of your soul, you can manifest one of the ancestors temporarily
to perform basic tasks and abilities within the Communion skill, so long as you possess no active
spirit. Using SIMUL DISMISS upon it will cause the ancestor to depart, just as you would a normal
If you are within a fighting pit or using the classpick arena mod, then the simulacrum will have
its level boosted to 10 and your spirit hound will have access to any simulacrum trait.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Distort
|description = Bid your ancestor to distort your aura
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Bid the ancestors to distort your appearance, shrouding your activities. You will be able to leave
and enter a location without notice, plus a few other common actions will be hidden.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Cacophony
|description = Allow your foes to hear the thunderous warcries of your ancestors
|syntax = ANCEST CACOPHONY [direction]
|detail = Call upon the ancestors to release their thunderous warcry, instilling fear and amnesia
in your enemies.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Overrun
|description = Overrun your foes with an assault from your ancestors
|syntax = ANCEST OVERRUN <target>
|detail = The ancestors will overrun your target with a flurry of strikes, dealing magical damage.
When used against an adventurer, the damage will be staggered into three strikes.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Victory
|description = Victory in battle will improve your renown
|syntax = ANCEST VICTORY <ON/OFF>        ANCEST VICTORY <corpse>
|detail = With this defence on, you will gain renown whenever you slay an enemy. You can also mark
a corpse, claiming victory over it that way instead.
When used on a denizen, it will only work against those that were sentient.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Discern
|description = Discern the presence of another
|syntax = ANCEST DISCERN <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 10
Request the ancestors to discern the location of another. This ability will reveal the location of
another, no matter where they might be within the realm.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Spur
|description = Rally your ancestors, spurring them to attack
|syntax = ANCEST SPUR
|detail = The ancestors will plague the minds of your enemies with a haunting visage, inflicting
psychic damage upon them. The damage dealt will scale to the amount of soul that has been displaced
from your victim, increasing significantly if more than 50% of their soul has been displaced.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Intercept
|description = Call upon your ancestors to intercept attacks
|syntax = ANCEST INTERCEPT [target]
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Request protection from the ancestors and they will send an ethereal weapon to deflect attacks upon
the specified target. If no target is supplied, then the protection will be granted to yourself.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Diminish
|description = Diminish the efficacy of your opponent's weapon
|syntax = ANCEST DIMINISH <target> [LEFT/RIGHT]
|detail = The ancestors will diminish the efficacy of your target's weapons, temporarily lowering
the amount of damage it does. This will scale depending on how much of the target's soul has been
|cooldown = 5 minutes
|target =
|required =
|skill = Anoint
|description = Anoint your weapon with the chill of death
|syntax = ANCEST ANOINT <weapon>        UNANOINT <weapon>
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Anoint your weapon with the memories of death, causing a chance of frost when you land a blow upon
another. This chance will be doubled if they have fallen. You will be unable to make use of venoms
while your weapon remains anointed.
Anyone may unanoint their weapon to remove the effect.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Harrow
|description = A harrowing sight will leave them defenseless
|syntax = ANCEST HARROW <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 100
The ancestors will assault the target's psyche with harrowing visions, dealing a small amount of
magical damage and forcing them to relax two defences that do not originate from themselves.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Safeguard
|description = The ancestors will bless you with protection
|detail = The ancestors will bestow their blessing upon you, increasing your resistance to physical
Your mark's power will be expended upon this blessing, preventing certain other abilities. You must
regather power to end the blessing if you wish to use it elsewhere.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Spear
|description = Manifest an ancestor that will spear your target's limbs
|syntax = ANCEST SPEAR <target>        ANCEST SPEAR <target> <ARMS/LEGS>        ANCEST SPEAR
<target> <LEFT/RIGHT> <ARM/LEG>
|detail = The ancestors will open a wound in your target's limb, crippling it.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Seance
|description = Your ancestors will whisper to you of souls you cannot see
|detail = Renown cost: 80
The ancestors will whisper to you of the dead, letting you know who roams the lands as a soul or
are being reformed by the earth.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Clarity
|description = Beseech your ancestors for the clarity to discern impulses not your own
|detail = Renown cost: 80
The ancestors will grant your mind greater clarity, protecting you from others forcing you to
perform an unwanted action for a single time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Suffuse
|description = Your ancestors will suffuse your weary body or mind
|detail = Renown cost: 100
Beseech the ancestors for aid, restoring either your health or mana. They can raise your health and
mana above their maximum, however it will have a diminishing effect the further you extend beyond
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Affirm
|description = Affirm the presence of those around you
|detail = Renown cost: 150
Call to the ancestors and ask them to affirm who is standing with you. This will reveal everybody
in your current location, no matter their elevation or how they might choose to hide.
You can also detect beings out of phase with reality using this ability, however you will not know
who or how many.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Guidance
|description = Your ancestors will bless you with guided strikes
|detail = The ancestors will bestow their blessing upon you, guiding the selected weapon's strikes
to amplify its damage.
Your mark's power will be expended upon this blessing, preventing certain other abilities. You must
regather power to end the blessing if you wish to use it elsewhere.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Expel
|description = Expel their soul, displacing it around their body
|syntax = ANCEST EXPEL <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Quickly displace someone's soul at a far faster pace than your weapons would. Using STOP or doing
most actions will stop the process.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Offering
|description = Present an offering to entice an ancestor's assistance
|detail = Renown cost: 100
Spill some of your blood as an offering to the ancestors, gaining a boon that will bolster the next
weapon attack you land against an opponent. This will increase the damage of the strike and briefly
stun them for one time only.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ward
|description = Your ancestors will bless you with protection from magical assault
|detail = The ancestors will bestow their blessing upon your armour, reducing all incoming magical
Your mark's power will be expended upon this blessing, preventing certain other abilities. You must
regather power to end the blessing if you wish to use it elsewhere.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Invocation
|description = Invoke your ancestors to split the power of their blessings
|detail = You may invoke the power of all three ancestral blessings at once, though the effects
gained from this are halved. You must revoke the invocation when you wish to return the energy to
your mark.
See the abilities Guidance, Ward, and Safeguard for more information on these blessings.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Bolster
|description = Your renown will bolster your constitution
|detail = Renown cost: 60
Call upon the strength of the ancestors to bolster your fortitude, increasing your constitution by
a single point.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Alertness
|description = Remain aware of those that would move nearby
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Attune yourself to nearby movement and detect passage through surrounding locations.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Annul
|description = Annul a physical affliction from your body
|syntax = ANCEST ANNUL
|detail = Renown cost: 50
Purge yourself a physical affliction with ancestral assistance. Once purged, the ancestors will
grant you a balance reduction for a short period of time depending on how many afflictions remain.
Look at HELP TYPES for more information on what is regarded as a physical affliction.
|cooldown = 18 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Carve
|description = Your ancestors will carve through your opponent's defenses
|syntax = ANCEST CARVE <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 50
An ancestor will answer your calls and carve away the protective barriers surrounding your victim.
This will remove prismatic barriers, magical shields, and the aura of rebounding.
|cooldown =
|target = Both players and NPCs
|required =
|skill = Rouse
|description = Rouse their soul, drawing it back to reinhabit their body
|syntax = ANCEST ROUSE <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 1000
Use your great renown to request the ancestors aid one that has fallen in battle, rousing them back
to life. You must have the corpse to do this however.
If they choose to not accept the resurrection in a timely manner, then the body will crumble away.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Apprise
|description = Apprise the displacement of their soul
|syntax = ANCEST APPRISE <target/ME>
|detail = Assess someone's soul to see how much of it remains within their body. You can
additionally check your own soul if you wish.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Displacement
|description = Your strikes will displace their souls
|detail = An ancestor will share your body and channel energy through each strike of your weapon to
displace your target's soul, driving a sliver of it from their body. The amount of soul displaced
will scale with the base penetration stat of your weapon, with more soul being displaced the higher
it is.
With their soul displaced, your target is vulnerable to stronger ancestral attacks. However, the
soul is drawn to the body and they will become whole again in time.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Inhibit
|description = Inhibit your opponent from calling a magical shield
|syntax = ANCEST INHIBIT <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 85%
Soul restored: 5%
An ancestor will poise itself to strike when your target calls forth the protection of a magical
strike. Once this occurs, the ancestor will reveal itself and tear apart their magical shield.
Additionally, while under the effects of this inhibition, the target's displaced soul will not
passively return to them due to time.
This ability can be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Ambush
|description = Ambush your opponents with ancestral assistance
|syntax = ANCEST AMBUSH <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 85%
Send forth an ancestor to ambush your target with a series of strike. For a short duration, the
ancestor will periodically attack the target, dealing more damaged based on how afflicted they are.
The duration is extended should they have less than 50% of their soul.
|cooldown = 90 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Portent
|description = Bestow upon them a portent to render curatives less effective
|syntax = ANCEST PORTENT <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 80%
Soul restored: 10%
An ancestor will plague the target with an ominous portent, increasing the length of pill balance
recovery, including the anabiotic pill. The duration of this effect is extended should they have
less then 50% of their soul.
This ability can be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Engorge
|description = Levy a curse to fill their veins to capacity
|syntax = ANCEST ENGORGE <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 80%
Soul restored: 8%
Soul restored (when effect is triggered): 20%
An ancestor will overwhelm your target with the sensation of the hunt, afflicting them with
hypertension as their veins become engorged to dangerous levels. While affected, the next time they
are constricted upon your blade they will begin to bleed profusely.
This effect may be stacked up to three times, with the entire process being consumed upon a
successful constriction. However should they recover their soul in full or a period of time elapses
since the first application, then the effect will fade.
The amount of bleeding caused is based upon the amount of soul missing upon the time of application,
with the application that had the most amount of soul missing taking priority. It is then
increased by the number of stacks applied upon being triggered. It cannot cause someone to bleed
more than 2000 health points.
This ability can be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Debilitate
|description = Capitalize upon their weakening state to debilitate their limbs
|syntax = ANCEST DEBILITATE <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 80%
Soul restored: 8%
Call forth a debilitating curse upon your target, increasing the amount of limb damage they will
receive upon the next blunt-based attack. This effect will only last for a short period of time and
is consumed shortly after a successful blow.
This ability can be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Fissure
|description = Create an opening from which their soul will escape
|syntax = ANCEST FISSURE <target>
|detail = Ancestral power will envelop your blade as you drive it into the target's chest, creating
a spiritual fissure from which their soul will rapidly escape. This effect will only work if your
target has a damaged torso, and will persist until their torso is cured.
You must be wielding a weapon of the Serpent clan in order to use this ability.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Haunt
|description = Your ancestors will call a soul to haunt an area, binding it there
|syntax = ANCEST HAUNT <target>
|detail = Renown cost: 1000
Target soul: Below 80%
With this feat, the ancestors will force the displaced portions of the target's soul to haunt the
current area, binding it there. While their displaced soul is bound there, the target will be
unable to leave the area boundaries by any means - physical or magical.
|cooldown = 180 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Elude
|description = Their displaced soul will allow you to elude their defenses
|syntax = ANCEST ELUDE <target>
|detail = Target soul: Below 90%
Soul restored: 6%
The ancestors will turn the target's displaced soul against them, allowing your next Bear clan
technique to elude their defences, stripping their rebounding and bypassing their parry. This will
last for a limited time or until it is consumed upon attack.
Note that this effect is exclusive from the effects of the Debilitate skill, both cannot be used at
the same time.
This ability can be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
|cooldown = 8 seconds
|target =
|required =
|skill = Attune
|description = Your ancestors will attune a strike with one of your own
|syntax = ANCEST ATTUNE <target> <venom to give> <trigger venom>        ANCEST ATTUNE <target> CLEAR
|detail = Target soul: Below 75%
Soul restored: 15%
Coordinate a powerful strike against your target with the ancestors, having them await for you to
deliver the attuned venom. When that venom enters the blood stream, the ancestors will strike,
releasing an extra venom and its effects upon your opponent.
This will last for 45 seconds, increasing to 60 seconds if your target is below 50% soul when cast.
This effect is then consumed once it is triggered.
This ability may be performed off-balance, but consumes equilibrium.
Cooldown (when triggered): 30 seconds
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =
|skill = Sacrifice
|description = End someone's life as a sacrifice to the ancestors
|syntax = ANCEST SACRIFICE <target>
|detail = While wielding one of Warding's weapons, you can attempt to end someone's life as a
sacrifice to the ancestors. You may not, however, perform any actions while attempting to do so.
If their current health percent is lower than 20% plus the percentage of displaced soul, then the
duration it takes to sacrifice your opponent will be cut in half.
|cooldown =
|target =
|required =


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