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Replaced content with "'''Domination''' is without question the most dangerous art within Aetolia. It involves the summoning of servants, known as entities, from the Chaos Plane by barga..."
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(Replaced content with "'''Domination''' is without question the most dangerous art within Aetolia. It involves the summoning of servants, known as entities, from the Chaos Plane by barga...")
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'''Domination''' is without question the most dangerous art within [[Aetolia]]. It involves the summoning of servants,
known as entities, from the [[Chaos Plane]] by bargaining with the beings known as the [[Chaos Lords]].
{{SkillTableRow |Skyrax | Inept | 0| Skyrax, the Skyscourge. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Rixil | Novice | 0| Rixil, the spectre. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Eerion | Apprentice | 0| Eerion, the demon jester. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Transcendence | Apprentice | 37| Open a gateway to the Plane of Chaos. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Arctar | Capable | 0| Arctar, the Defender. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Scrag | Capable | 40| Scrag, tender of the bloodleech pool. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Pyradius | Adept | 0| Pyradius, the firelord. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Dameron | Adept | 50| Dameron, chaos prince. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Palpatar | Skilled | 0| Palpatar, the Glutton of Glaaki. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Mask | Skilled | 0| Conceal the movement of your chaos entities. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Nin'Kharsag | Skilled | 40| Nin'Kharsag, the Slime Master. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Istria | Gifted | 0| Istria, the pathfinder. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Marduk | Gifted | 50| Marduk, the eater of souls. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Nemesis | Expert | 0| Nemesis. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Buul | Expert | 50| Buul, the Chaos Chirurgeon. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Cadmus | Virtuoso | 0| Cadmus, the cursed shaman. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Piridon | Virtuoso | 45| Piridon, the shapechanger. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Danaeus | Fabled | 0| Danaeus, the dark savant. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Xenophage | Fabled | 45| Xenophage, keeper of the chaos gate. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Lycantha | Mythical | 0| Lycantha, Keeper of the Hounds. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Link | Mythical | 31| The ability to link yourself to your doppleganger. '''Indorani only'''}}
{{SkillTableRow |Hecate | Mythical | 62| Hecate, Mother of the Crones. }}
{{SkillTableRow |Golgotha | Transcendent | 0| Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Emperor of Darkness. }}

You risk your life and your very soul in dealing with them, for they are powerful and not to be trifled with.
|skillname = Skyrax
|description = When you call upon the aid of Skyrax, he will send you a whirling dervish, which, when you command it with ORDER DERVISH ACT, knock all unsecured persons in the trees to the ground, and knock all persons out of the air, who are not supported by levitation, to the ground.
|skillname = Rixil
|description = Rixil, when summoned, will send to you a sycophant, which will cause amnesia passively to your enemies.
|skillname = Eerion
|description = When you summon Eerion, he will send to you a foul little gremlin, who will trip up your opponent. ORDER GREMLIN ATTACK <player> is the syntax to do this.
|skillname = Transcendence
|description = Using this ability, you will open an gateway to the Chaos Plane, allowing you to go there and bargain for the services of the Chaos Entities. Once the gate is opened, type ENTER GATEWAY to enter the Chaos Plane. Once there, you can either wait 10 minutes and be thrown out automatically, or you can seek the exit, which is hidden in the Whirlpool of Chaos.
|skillname = Arctar
|description = Arctar, the Defender. Enigmatic. Skillful. Guardian of the Chaos Throne. When you summon him, he will send to you a chaos orb. This orb may then, with the command ORDER ORB DEFEND <left arm/right arm/left leg/right leg/head/torso>, be ordered to defend one of your body parts, as if you were parrying with a sword.
|skillname = Scrag
|description = Scrag is the tender of the bloodleech pool in the Chaos Plane. He will assist you by sending bloodleeches to you. You may order them with ORDER BLOODLEECH ATTACK <player>. The bloodleech will then attach itself to that player, increasing any bleeding that this player may be doing.
|skillname = Pyradius
|description = Pyradius will send his firelord minions to assist you in battle. The firelords will attack anyone on your enemies list with flame and are able to do so from adjacent locations.
|skillname = Dameron
|description = Dameron is the Prince of Chaos. When summoned, he will send forth a chaos minion. When a chaos minion is in the room, none of your entities may be easily banished back to the realm of chaos.
|skillname = Palpatar
|description = When summoned, Palpatar will send to you a chaos worm. You may then ORDER WORM ATTACK <player>. Doing so will cause the worm to, horribly, begin burrowing into your opponent's abdomen, and sucking the nutrition contained therein away.
|skillname = Mask
|syntax = MASK
|description = This ability will cause all the chaos entities in your entourage to become cloaked. While cloaked, their movement in and out of rooms will not be seen.
|skillname = Ninkharsag
|description = Summoning the Slime Lord will cause a chaos slime to be sent to you.  Upon being ordered to attack someone, the slime will wrap itself around them and slowly sap away their physical well-being, causing them to become very lethargic.
|skillname = Istria
|description = When called upon, Istria, known as the Pathfinder, will send to you a pathfinder entity. Wherever you summon the pathfinder entity will be home to it. Later, you may simply ORDER PATHFINDER HOME to be taken back to where the pathfinder was summoned from.
|skillname = Marduk
|description = Marduk will send to you a soulmaster entity. This entity may be ordered to POSSESS a player. When it does, it will take a few seconds to gain control of the victim's mind. Once it has done this, you may ORDER <player> <command>, or HALLUCINATE <player> <illusion>. Ordering or hallucinating illusions is quite difficult for the soulmaster though, so you will be restricted to performing these actions once every few seconds.
|skillname = Nemesis
|description = Nemesis will send to you a humbug. The humbug, when ordered to ATTACK a player, will cause the effectiveness of many healing methods of that player to be impaired.
|skillname = Buul
|description = When you call upon Buul for aid, he will send to you a chimera, which you may ride, and which may be ordered to attack an opponent. Each of its three heads has a seperate attack and, further, it is able to fly. To ride your chimera, simply type MOUNT CHIMERA. To order it to fly, the syntax is SPUR CHIMERA SKYWARD.
|skillname = Cadmus
|description = Cadmus will, when summoned, send to you a bubonis entity, which will, when ordered to ATTACK a person, inflict many filthy diseases upon the poor bastard. You must command the bubonis to target physical well-being or mental health with ORDER BUBONIS TARGET MENTAL or PHYSICAL.
|skillname = Piridon
|description = When you summon Piridon, he will send to you a doppleganger. The doppleganger will look like you, though it must be referred to as 'doppleganger'. The doppleganger is much different from other entities in that it may be remotely commanded. Following is a list of the special things (ie over and above the commands listed in HELP MOBILES) that your doppleganger can do.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER EXITS:<br/>This will show what exits exist from the room your doppleganger is in.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER MOVE <direction>:<br/>This will move your doppleganger in a specific direction.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER LOOK:<br/>Orders your doppleganger to look at the room it is in.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER CLOAK:<br/>Puts up a cloak around your doppleganger that will mask entry and exit.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER SEEK <player>:<br/>Orders your doppleganger to seek out a specific player. If the player is flying, it will go and wait underneath the player. Trees present no obstacle to it.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER RETURN:<br/>Orders your doppleganger to return to you.
ORDER DOPPLEGANGER CHANNEL <ability>:<br/>Allows you to channel certain Necromantic powers through your doppleganger. These include: decay, necrofeed, chill, belch, disfigure, shrivel, and vivisect. For instance, ORDER DOPPLEGANGER CHANNEL SHRIVEL ARMS HANSEL would make your doppleganger try to shrivel Hansel's arms. (We don't recommend you attempt this on Hansel.)
|skillname = Danaeus
|description = Danaeus will send to you a chaos storm. You may order the storm to TRACK a player, as long as he or she is in the same area as you. The storm will quickly go to the person and begin to attack him or her with various attacks.
|skillname = Xenophage
|description = Xenophage will, when called upon, bring you to the Chaos Plane after a moments wait. However, you must be on full health and mana to use this.
|skillname = Lycantha
|description = Lycantha, Keeper of the Hounds, will send to you a chaos hound. This fearful beast can be ordered to TRACK a player. If this player is in range (and he or she need not be in the same room as you), the the hound will set off, tracking down the player room by room. When it finds him, it will attack fairly strongly a few times, and then disappear.
|skillname = Hecate
|description = Hecate will send to you a withered old crone. The crone has the ability to wither the limbs of your opponents. Simply order her to attack.
|skillname = Golgotha
|description = Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Emperor of Darkness, is truly an awesome figure to behold. Bargain with him at your extreme peril. Should you succeed in forming a pact with him, you will be able to command him to tear open a gateway into the Golgothan Pit, a realm of suffering into which enemies of yours who dare to venture near will be dragged.


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